Analysis: Chief Freeman now a Free bird


….I must be traveling on, now…..


What is truly amazing is how long the allegations of now former Chief Darren Freeman choking a handcuffed man took to break in the media. Guess who’s back folks.

THE INVESTIGATORS: Bay St. Louis police chief resigns amid brutality allegation ~ Wes Muller, Investigative Producer WAFB

Those following Slabbed’s twitter account were in the loop since last Friday evening that something major was going down with the scandal ridden Bay PD. Lana Noonan noted the irony of the word leaking out on the exact date one year ago that Chief Denardo took his own life in the parking lot at the police station.

I’ll back the time period up to late August on the original leaks as Slabbed began receiving tips about major scandal brewing at Bay City Hall on August 30, 2017. To the extent this latest choking incident happened in May, 2017, it has been held close inside the police department for months. The optics can’t get much worse.

This is what I do know and this bit of wisdom I shared months ago with select local civic leaders because there was a major red flag on Mr. Freeman’s resume that was ignored.  Wes gives us a clue:

Freeman, who has been on the job less than a year, was hired as chief to reform the department which suffered a series of embarrassing scandals and the late Chief Mike De Nardo’s suicide. His resume boasts serving as the head of internal affairs for the Mississippi Highway Patrol.

I understand some of y’all are scratching your heads going “huh” but for those of us that followed the multitude of embarrassing revelations involving DPS that have broke in the Jackson media over the past year……here is a sampling:

DPS settles discrimination suit for $84,474 ~ Jackson Jambalaya Continue reading “Analysis: Chief Freeman now a Free bird”