What I learned so far, half way to home…….

Based on the social media reaction there was a lot of interest about the reason for my relative absence from Slabbed.

Exercise, eating right and weight loss builds its own momentum. Healthy weight loss doesn’t entail a surgical procedure and without diet and exercise, people that undergo a surgical weight loss procedure fool only themselves in the long run.

Speaking of diet and exercise, they work together and are most effective as a path to wellness that way. And by diet, that does not mean giving up any foods you like, at least for the diet to be sustainable. Rather it means eating in moderation and keeping your calories, food macros and nutrition in line on a daily basis. That is where exercise comes in because the more you exercise the more calories one can consume on things like Ben and Jerry’s (or booze). Speaking of macros, the combinations that work best varies from person to person. I personally shoot for 35% carbs, 30 to 35% fat and 30 to 35% protein to maximize weight loss.

Cheating can be a good thing as an occasional 3 to 4 thousand calorie meal from a place like Cotton Blues in Hattiesburg (complete with a piece of their award winning cheesecake), Sully’s or Dempsey’s in the Kiln resets your body’s internal furnace (for lack of better words). Even better saving weight watchers points for a weekend margarita (for those that do weight watchers) or eating the broiled red fish with crab meat au gratin sauce at Dempsey’s (and otherwise staying within your macros) is not cheating.

Finally, of the three macros, protein is your best friend. Continue reading “What I learned so far, half way to home…….”