Let’s talk more about Broussard’s grand jury leak “fishing expedition”

Drew Broach wrote a story earlier this afternoon on Judge Head’s latest ruling in USA v Broussard / USA v Wilkinson that included Judge Head’s memorandum ruling detailing his reasons for turning Broussard lawyer Robert Jenkins down.  The order generated an interesting response from a reader, which I am publishing here as it ties into todays commentary on WWL TeeVee legal analyst Chick Foret:

As much as I hope AB gets his ass nailed to the wall, this is a weak ruling. At the very least, Judge Head should have brought Chicken Little in and grilled him about where he got his info. As far as I know, a lawyer (even one acting as a TV expert) does not have the same protection regarding his sources as a journalist does. There are also potential ethical issues for Chicken Little and his sources, but we would have to know more. That would have been the point of having a hearing.

Of course I opined earlier that I thought Sal Perricone was Foret’s source given them two Harahan guys ran together a good bit socially…..at least until Henry Mencken was unmasked then we saw Chick huffing and puffing on the TeeVee. It was great theater.
