Meet copywrite troll/porn lawyer Evan Stone of Texas: “That ain’t doughnut glaze….”

Folks in respects the disgraced Evan Stone is last year’s news but seeing as how the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals just bitch slapped his sorry ass with sanctions for conduct befitting a Goatherder I thought I’d highlight Stone and the legal shithouse from which he slithered beginning with this AP story from yesterday:

It’s a common tactic for pornography producers trying to protect their product from online piracy: They sue unknown “John Does” who illegally download movies, then go to Internet providers to learn their true identities and collect.

Hundreds of porn companies have filed thousands of lawsuits across the country in recent years. Often, representatives will call up the defendants, offering quick settlements of $1,000 or $5,000 to avoid facing $150,000 claims and the embarrassment of being publicly outed.

Some defendants in the lawsuits are pushing back, arguing that they’re being squeezed for quick settlements even when they claim to have never downloaded anything.

A Kentucky woman, Jennifer Barker, is suing the five companies that targeted her and is seeking class-action status to hold the companies accountable for harassing calls for settlements.

The approach uses assumptions for which the US courts harbor increasing dubiety the main one being an IP address can be directly associated with a specific person as I continue: Continue reading “Meet copywrite troll/porn lawyer Evan Stone of Texas: “That ain’t doughnut glaze….””