A “man in the middle” of electronic voting?

Sop will readily agree that I have a very basic understanding of technology – something slightly above “on” and “off”.  It troubles me so at times that I’ve even expressed a desire for my spirit to leave this earthly world by wire so I can see how fax machines, lazer printers, and so forth work.  Just fax me to Jesus.

As you might imagine, my trust level of electronic voting systems is pretty low and I just found a post on Raw Story that can explain my concern.

Information technology expert Stephen Spoonamore believes this architecture could have made possible a KingPin or “Man in the Middle” (MIM) attack — a well-defined criminal methodology in which a computer is inserted into the network of a bank or credit card processor to intercept and modify transactions before they reach a central computer.

In what I call my “read around” that followed, I linked to black box voting, a site that reassures me that people who do understand technology are at least paying attention to this security of the upcoming vote – leaving me, however, without the assurance that those who might tamper with the vote are not one step ahead of those working to keep it secure. Continue reading “A “man in the middle” of electronic voting?”