While the Crooks in the Swamp are Exposed….

You gotta love the Haji, wrapping themselves up in the flag blaming immigrants for all their problems while they are being robbed blind by their own kind.

Some of other emails admitted into evidence revealed Manafort’s lobbying of Trump son-in-law Jared Kushner on behalf of Stephen Calk, the chairman of Federal Savings Bank. Prosecutors say Calk approved $16 million in loans for Manafort — despite several red flags — because Calk wanted a job in the Trump administration.

The emails showed that in the weeks after the 2016 election, Manafort urged Kushner to consider Calk for Secretary of the Army, a position Calk had put at the top of his list in an earlier email to Manafort. Calk also listed seven other senior domestic appointments and 18 ambassadorships — ranked in order of preference — that he would accept.

Even better we learn of these emails from the media here in the US via US prosecutors rather than the Russians. To some that is evidence of the deep state but people wearing tin foil hats have been with humanity since 1910, the year Aluminum foil was invented so that is expected.

The evidence of pervasive corruption has literally been slapping everyone that cared to notice across the face since day 1 of America’s experiment electing a carnival barker to the Presidency. Tom Marino never got the chance and Scott Pruitt may yet prove he is a piker against Wilbur Ross. And then there is Trump putting Goldman Sachs in charge of the US Treasury after railing against them during his campaign. The signs were everywhere folks and so called conservatives everywhere have proven themselves no better than Hillary Clinton democrats in standing by their man.

Even better since this is bat shit crazy 2018 we have people that were so cowardly in the 1960s as to crap their own pants to get the 4-F shilling for the coward that had bone spurs all while running down those that have served. I personally can’t wait for the new season of South Park.

Oh and then there is this:

Ex-Trump attorney Michael Cohen pleads guilty in hush-money scheme ~ AP

2018 is also the year without the dog days of summer. Continue reading “While the Crooks in the Swamp are Exposed….”