Friday Video and Music: Our fluffer Congressman, Steven Palazzo crashes and burns less than a year in office

Yep folks, he is very quickly becoming Roll Call’s bestest beetch. What can I say except country boy gone to town. ~ sop

And to think folks Nancy Pelosi wasn't fired. That shot hit South Mississippi's foot instead. A Congresswoman Palazzo update.

I said it here on Slabbed just after the election that DC was a different world from being a Boss Hogg lackey in the legislature and it appears the Mississippi Press has noticed our new congressman Steven Palazzo is not only a legacy political hack but he is also a fluffer.  I’ll point out the coastal counties did not elect Palazzo so the snub should be expected.  Here is a snippet:

IF IT’S not in the handbook for serving as the 4th Congressional District representative, it should be: Never miss a ship christening at Ingalls Shipbuilding in Pascagoula.

Freshman Rep. Steven Palazzo, R-Biloxi, was noticeably absent from the christening of the Arlington, LPD 24, on March 26, though his wife was in attendance. Continue reading “And to think folks Nancy Pelosi wasn't fired. That shot hit South Mississippi's foot instead. A Congresswoman Palazzo update.”