These moments of media insanity can be explained

There are large segments of the main stream media that simply do not get out enough, especially in the U.K.:

This Dildo Flag Was Mistaken For An “ISIS Flag” By CNN ~ David Mack

But it gets even better.  Mention intolerance and homosexuality in the same sentence and otherwise bright people become blithering idiots:

Star Wars ‘reeks of misogyny’: SJW satirist punks BBC World Service ~ Milo Yiannopoulos

Seems to me on these hot button social issues all you get are the extremes on both sides which is why I normally tune this sort of stuff out. But since I did this post, here are the two extremes with a bonus of the second link being used for analysis purposes in the CNN ISIS Dildo flag segment.

CNN International reporter Lucy Pawle Spots ‘ISIS Flag’ at London Gay Pride Parade ~ Youtube

ISIS throw man off tall building for being gay, crowd stones him to death ~ Youtube

Closer to home is our pesky state flag. I’m personally in favor of changing it.  A central Mississippi artist has published a few concept designs to twitter, the first one well over a year ago: Continue reading “These moments of media insanity can be explained”

Nancy you ignorant media whoring slut: “Tot Tee Vee” took one on the chin (and it ain’t doughnut glaze…)

For you partisan media freaks that read this blog it is duly noted that I’ve ripped on Faux News enough lately that our shorter term readers may not know that we also have fun with CNN here at Slabbed including calling out CNN’s Anderson Cooper for cavorting with local political whores during the oil spill little over a year ago. Tee Vee news outfits like CNN and Faux News, (likely along with your local news outlets) are way more show biz than journalism. I don’t watch much cable news and sensationalized coverage of stories like the Casey Anthony trial are the reason.

Evidently Grace shamelessly used the tragic death of a 3 year old to boost her show’s ratings as she evidently tried and convicted Casey Anthony for her daughter’s death on the Tee Vee. Fact is the entire Tee Vee media herd was balls deep in the Anthony saga and it looks like most whiffed but none as spectacularly as Grace, who shares the distinction with Mary Landrieu of strongly reminding me of Miss Piggy.

To the extent these are same folks that made the trailer trash lady from Wasilla who shall remain nameless (along with her single mom daughter) a national media sensation take my advice and just say no to Tot Tee Vee.


It’s Official, Anderson Cooper joins Bobby Bermdoggle Jindal as an oil spill idiot. Snookered again: How the National Media let us down after the Oil Spill

Is it news or is what we see on the TeeVee all show biz? The answer folks, is show biz aka self-interest driven propaganda, as Jonathan Tilove at the Times Picayune explains:

About of a third of the way through the National Oil Spill Commission’s 400-page report, there is a 43-page chapter on the oil spill response and containment efforts that suggests that berms and boom were pretty much a bust, collecting more headlines than oil.

Along the way, the report also casts a rather unflattering light on Louisiana officialdom, singling out Gov. Bobby Jindal and Plaquemines Parish President Billy Nungesser.

And while Nungesser was cashing in with BP along with St Bernard Parish Sheriff Jack Stevens, the media was running to him for the self serving sound bite de jour, making the media in general and Anderson Cooper in particular mighty useful idiots for this corrupt local politician as we continue:

According to the commission’s narrative, the festering animosity in Louisiana’s relationship with Washington was nurtured by a news media that thrives on conflict. Continue reading “It’s Official, Anderson Cooper joins Bobby Bermdoggle Jindal as an oil spill idiot. Snookered again: How the National Media let us down after the Oil Spill”

A Trip Down Memory Lane and What Has Changed Since

I ran across the CNN Presents episode The Town that Fought Back on You Tube and watched it again. It is interesting to see what has changed, what the issues were and still are from the time it was shot in 2006 to the present.

The Oklahoma City litigation is over and State Farm’s bad behavior there has been completely revealed. We have gone from thousands of Scruggs Katrina Group suits to less than the 180 today that now must seek new lawyers with Friday’s disqualification of the Scruggs successor Katrina Litigation Group. We find that State Farm claims adjusters ordering additional engineering reports when they didn’t like the answer on the first one was not SOP per Wayne Drinkwater yet it happened a good bit. Still there is no explanation why it happened.

FEMA trailers have since given way to cottages and many more people are back in their homes though we still lack affordable housing for the working poor. Life has returned to the new post Katrina normal but things will never be the same as they were before the storm. The political fight for insurance solutions in HR 3121 had not yet begun in the Summer of 2006. How time flies….

Those wanting background on the insurance litigation will find the show interesting. Those wanting to see Dickie Scruggs talk about how long it takes for a criminal to get a day in court will find it ironic. Like the other CNN presents special hosted by Kathleen Koch Saving my town: The fight for Bay St. Louis watching The Town that Fought Back brings back memories of the past and evokes hope for the future in seeing how far we’ve come. Continue reading “A Trip Down Memory Lane and What Has Changed Since”