Are the Dog Days of Summer here early?

They must be folks. Just a reminder to those that think its advisable to toss about wild conspiracy theories about birth certificates or another’s religious beliefs. Politico gives us the background:

Young Trumpies Hit D.C. (And D.C. hits them right back.) ~ Daniel Lippman and Ben Schreckinger

And of course this story is still reverberating across the media landscape because it’s evidently tough being a “Trumpie” in a cosmopolitan place like our Nation’s Capitol. Here is a sampling:

Trump Staffers Can’t Get Laid ~ The Cut

Trump Staffers Complain They Can’t Get Laid in D.C. ~ Spin

Millennial Trump Staffers Complain Yet Again About Being Unfuckable Losers ~ Splinter

Young Trump staffers can’t get laid, and no one feels bad for them ~ Mashable

And of course earlier today even Esquire joined in: Continue reading “Are the Dog Days of Summer here early?”