Slicked and SLABBED and "Spooky at a distance"

Only the Senator whose brain is you-know-where could come up with such a bone-headed plan!

Saying that he has received commitments from the Army Corps of Engineers to move forward with long-delayed Louisiana flood-control projects, Sen. David Vitter, R-La., agreed Wednesday to drop his hold that has blocked a Senate vote on the promotion of Army Brig. Gen. Michael Walsh to major general.

Yesterday’s headline story on linked to TP story Sen. David Vitter drops hold on promotion of Corps of Engineers commander and challenged readers to connect the dots.

Drawing a line in the sand, those dots connect to David Vitter’s grandstand.  Could the Senator have been borrowing trouble and buying time for his big oil contributors – just enough time for BP oil to reach land?

You think, perhaps, it was a coincidence that Vitter claimed victory just as PB oil hit land A month after explosion, oil from Gulf of Mexico spill washes ashore in populated areas?

Slicked and Slabbed complete with a photo gallery and theme song.

“Oh the games people play now
Ev’ry night and ev’ry day now
Never meaning what they say, yeah
Never saying what they mean.”

While all eyes were on the oil in the Gulf, big oil was slickin’ and slabbin’ Tulane’s Environmental Law Center!  ThePopTort tells that story in BP and Law Clinics – One Spooky Interaction: Continue reading “Slicked and SLABBED and "Spooky at a distance"”

We tried to do this Multiperil thang peacably but now its on……

Sop: The Almighty says this must be a fashionable fight. It’s drawn the finest people.

Chris Dodd (To Gene Taylor): Where is thy salute?

Gene Taylor: For presenting yourselves on this battlefield, I give you thanks.

Chris Dodd: This is our army. To join it you give homage.

Gene Taylor: I give homage to Mississippi. And if this is your army, why does it go?

Worn down polciyholder: We didn’t come here to fight for them.

Thomas McIntosh: Home. Big insurance is too many.

Gene Taylor: Sons of Katrina, I am Gene Taylor.

Thomas McIntosh: Gene Taylor is 7 feet tall.

Gene Taylor: Yes, I’ve heard. He kills anti trust exemptions by the hundreds, and if he were here he’d consume Edward Rust with fireballs from his eyes Continue reading “We tried to do this Multiperil thang peacably but now its on……”

The Sierra Club Chips in With Bermuda Reinsurers, Opposes HR 1264

Ou good friend AM was kind enough to shoot us this hot off the press, press release from Gene’s office. Following the graphics is the original PR from Team Bermuda Reinsurance so our readers can decide for themselves who is telling the truth and who got a big fat donation. The people at the Sierra Club should not so easily sell their good names. If there was truth in labeling this shawdow organization would be called Bermuda Reinsurers united to price gouge American citizens. – sop

Congressman Gene Taylor
U.S.House of Representatives
Fourth District of Mississippi


2269 Rayburn HOB
Washington, DC 20515
(202) 225-5772
Fax (202) 225-7074

For Immediate release                                            Contact: Ana Maria Rosato
March 13, 2009                                                           (202) 225-5772

Gene Taylor Response to Insurance Industry-Backed
Americans for Smart Natural Catastrophe Policy
Environmental Groups Appear to do Industry Bidding

Americans for Smart Natural Catastrophe Policy appears to be a front group funded by the Bermuda reinsurance industry and their investors and partners in the U.S. insurance industry. The lobbyists for the Sierra Club and American Rivers are selling out their members without giving them relevant information.

In the first place, the Taylor bill does increase mitigation and requires stronger building codes. If the insurance-backed coalition truly wanted the federal government to encourage local governments to require stronger building codes, then the most effective way to do so is to make strong codes a condition of a federal insurance program, which is exactly what we do. Sec. 2 (2) of Rep. Taylor’s Multiple Peril Insurance Act of 2009 specifically states the following.

COMMUNITY PARTICIPATION REQUIREMENT- Multiperil coverage pursuant to paragraph (1)(A) and windstorm coverage pursuant to paragraph (1)(B) may not be provided in any area (or subdivision thereof) unless an appropriate public body shall have adopted adequate mitigation measures (with effective enforcement provisions) which the Director finds are consistent with the criteria for construction described in the International Code Council building codes relating to wind mitigation.

Second, the idea that we are increasing federal liability for disaster costs is ridiculous. The federal government already pays for all the losses that are not covered by insurance, but without the advantage of collecting premiums to pay for those losses. As a result, the taxpayers—rather than insurance companies—footed bill. The extent to which insurance companies committed fraud against the taxpayers has yet to be determined. My website details evidence that suggest the insurance companies defrauded the federal government’s flood insurance program. [See Evidence of Fraud by Insurers Handling Katrina Losses With Both Wind and Flood Damage.] Continue reading “The Sierra Club Chips in With Bermuda Reinsurers, Opposes HR 1264”