A long time ago on a message board far far away…..

Many years ago, I found a newspaper forum on subject matter that interested me and I needed to discern the lay of the land quickly. Part of discerning every cyber landscape on a typical newspaper forum is to figure out which inhabitants are bat shit crazy so I put up a post along the lines of………….

Ronald Reagan gutted the nations mental health hospital system when he was President. Unfortunately, many of those poor sick people ended up in jail while others ended up here. Discuss.

Sure enough every loon that was lurking the board chimed in on the topic, imparting the information I needed in the process.  Sometimes I drop a depth charge (as such posts are known on the finance boards) by accident and the feedback I get via sonar reminds me of that old post.  Yesterday had such an accidental release and frankly what I heard back via the ol’ sonar tickled me to no end.

Slabbed lifers remember the old website had an about page and other material that disclosed certain things about your moderator Sop, two of which were that I was a devotee of Behavioral Finance/economics and not in an abstract way either.  Along those same lines I also have an interest in Game Theory and it is through that prism that I filtered information about the public companies which I blogged upon.  What I learned on the finance blogs impacts what you see here on Slabbed today.

In any event lets drop some depth charges today as I welcome all to my laboratory. ~ sop