The events surrounding Katie Stewart’s Criminal Complaint Against Jeff Harding and the LesLie Mobile come into sharper focus

Folks before you swear out a criminal complaint against someone you should always consider whether or not there are third party security videos that would undermine your affidavit. Did Katie Fillingame Stewart consider that the Camera Never Blinks? I’m thinking the answer to that question will be revealed in fairly short order.

Screen Capture of August 13, 2016 Security Video Courtesy of a Reader
Screen Capture of August 13, 2016 Security Video Courtesy of a Reader

Slabbed has seen two different security videos that depict the events leading to Ms. Stewart swearing out that criminal complaint against Harding. What was most interesting to me is the white vehicle that was tailgating Mr. Harding and the Les-Fiillin Machine aka the LesLie Mobile, who was around 11 seconds behind Ms. Stewart. This situation is still fluid folks but rumor holds that white vehicle behind Harding was being driven by a Bay St Louis police officer that would in turn be a witness to the entire chain of events. Maybe this is why sources are indicating to Slabbed that Bay St Louis Police Chief Denardo has turned this matter over to Hancock Sheriff Ricky Adams. Commenter Paying Attention revealed what could be a much bigger problem for Hizzoner last night:

It has been reported that they are following their adversaries with part time cops.

Has Chief Denardo and his guys become hired muscle for the Committee to Re-Elect Les Fillingame? That is a disturbing thought folks. Continue reading “The events surrounding Katie Stewart’s Criminal Complaint Against Jeff Harding and the LesLie Mobile come into sharper focus”