Slabbed Mississippi political news miscellany: Drunken domestic abuse edition.

MDOT Executive Director Larry 'Butch" Brown

We’ve covered the ongoing stories of 2 good examples of how not to behave in political hack Scott Walker of Ocean Springs and executive director Butch Brown of MDOT and there is news regarding both men here in the local press we must highlight for the Slabbed Nation.

Let’s begin with Brown, who was found sleeping at a slot machine at the Beau Rivage last July after a hard night of drinking.  More recently he made a king size ass of himself at the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials conference held last week at the Beau directing an expletive filled tirade at Federal Highway Administrator Victor Mendez. The Mississippi Business Journal’s Magnolia Marketplace blog broke the story so it with their coverage we begin as it also adds color to Brown’s July arrest in Biloxi (H/T Yallpolitics):

Back in July, Mississippi Department of Transportation Executive Director Butch Brown attended the meeting of an economic development group at the Beau Rivage on a Thursday night, and got arrested early the next morning for public intoxication and disorderly conduct. Continue reading “Slabbed Mississippi political news miscellany: Drunken domestic abuse edition.”