From the SLABBED Archives: “Trip down memory lane connects Road Home with Duval’s ruling in Louisana antitrust case (Corrected)”

A look back into the SLABBED Archives (August 2008) before we move forward with “surprising” information from reader Not At All Surprised.

Louisiana Federal District Judge Stanwood Duval issued an attention grabbing ruling in an attention grabbing Katrina insurance case filed by former Louisiana Attorney General Charles Foti on his way out the door after losing his bid for re-election last year. The Sun Herald has the story.

A judge has asked a state official to review the validity of private attorneys’ contracts to represent Louisiana’s attorney general in a case over the state’s Road Home hurricane recovery program.

U.S. District Judge Stanwood Duval said insurance company attorneys “persuasively” raised questions Wednesday about whether former Attorney General Charles Foti followed state law when he hired the lawyers.

He gave the commissioner of administration 45 days to decide whether the contracts were valid. If the commissioner finds them faulty, the judge said, he will remove the lawyers from the case… Continue reading “From the SLABBED Archives: “Trip down memory lane connects Road Home with Duval’s ruling in Louisana antitrust case (Corrected)””