GOP Kenner City Councilman – Mayoral Candidate Keith Reynaud Equates Democrats and Fried Chicken

Folks this is 2016 and you’d think the days of using the fried chicken analogy as a form of politically motivated coded racism would be long gone but they are not. (H/T) To a reader that attended the River Region Republican Women Celebrity Cook off.

Present when Reynaud made the remarks were State GOP Chairman Roger Villere along with a bevy of other State wide Elected Officials and a certain local Democrat, who witnessed the gaffe:

Reader Submitted Screen Capture of Jefferson Parish Councilman Mark Spears Facebook Page
Reader Submitted Screen Capture of Jefferson Parish Councilman Mark Spears Facebook Page

A reader that was present was kind enough to snap a quick picture of Reynaud adding the crowd groaned when he made the remark: Continue reading “GOP Kenner City Councilman – Mayoral Candidate Keith Reynaud Equates Democrats and Fried Chicken”