DOJ-Gate: Never a dull moment in the Bay. The problem with telling whopper after whopper…

Before this is done folks we will have us a real life case study in both financial ineptitude along with the cost of making things up as you go:

Where’s the DOJ money? Affidavits signed by Bay mayor reveal contradictions ~ Wes Muller

I’m going to be bold and make a prediction because I do not think the Sun Herald got those Equitable Sharing Agreements from the City. These came from a FOIA to the DOJ because despite what the Mayor and certain kool-aid drinkers think, most every scrap of paper in our City Hall belongs to the public rather than the man trying to cover up years of misdeeds in Mayor Fillingame.

I was at the August 18, 2015 City council meeting and heard the direct quote from Mayor Fillingame included in Muller’s article where he told lie after lie to the City Council  about the proper handling of the Equitable Sharing grant and those affidavits he swore through the years expose them for everyone to see. Even worse at the October 7, 2015 meeting the Mayor flat out refused to separate the comingled funds while sending his new City Clerk out to bullshit the City Council on why they could not get access to the original invoices they were being asked to approve for payment.

Through time the Mayor has repeatedly presented an infantilized position on why he fails to abide by the financial agreements that he makes for the City.  Earlier this year when it was revealed the City had not segregated the $13/month water and sewer surcharge that was dedicated to paying off water and sewer bonds, the Mayor blamed the city council for not specifying the exact procedures he was to use to handle the funds despite the fact he agreed in the bond covenants to deposit the funds into a dedicated debt service account monthly. Continue reading “DOJ-Gate: Never a dull moment in the Bay. The problem with telling whopper after whopper…”