The Advocate lends background on Hugh Sibley’s unshareable need

After I published yesterday’s post on the arrest of prominent class action lawyer William H “Hugh” Sibley a reader sent me some court docs from Louisiana’s Eastern District that lent some needed context to why an otherwise highly successful class action lawyer would allegedly become mixed up with Mexican drug runners. The answer is simple – … Continue reading “The Advocate lends background on Hugh Sibley’s unshareable need”

What’s in the spelling of a surname: No detail is too small to pass over right now in the Bay

And one thing that puzzled me was the spelling of Chief’s last name in the media after his suicide, “De Nardo”, which my rudimentary knowledge of the romance languages indicated as an intentionally changed spelling of Denardo, as we have spelled the Chief’s name here on Slabbed. First up is some linguistic research and for … Continue reading “What’s in the spelling of a surname: No detail is too small to pass over right now in the Bay”

United States District Judge Susie Morgan’s law clerk charged with attempted rape and solicitation of sex from a child

The arrest of Thomas J. Jackson IV aka T. Haller Jackson IV on charges of attempted rape and computer-aided solicitation of a minor (an 11 year old boy) has electrified the legal community in New Orleans due to inherent implications of having a predatory pedophile pass Federal background checks and the like. I’ve received a … Continue reading “United States District Judge Susie Morgan’s law clerk charged with attempted rape and solicitation of sex from a child”

Monday Morning Omnibus: “Gone to hell in a hand basket”

Oh the memories…… I regret to announce that my previously unannounced central Mississippi tour this week has been cancelled.  I’ll likely make it up to Jacktown next month as it stands now. First up is problems in the engine room here at Slabbed.  I dispatched Mr Scott and even he was confounded. So on the … Continue reading “Monday Morning Omnibus: “Gone to hell in a hand basket””

Because he’s our huckleberry: Southhaven Mayor Greg Davis indicted

I’ve been following the continuing saga of “nutty small town Mayor” Greg Davis but since I’ve been tending a Goat roast down here with my peeps in Southeast Louisiana the story has fallen by the wayside here at Slabbed but the origin of the “nutty” quote above needs addressing on two fronts because that verbiage … Continue reading “Because he’s our huckleberry: Southhaven Mayor Greg Davis indicted”

Small town Mississippi rocked to the core

Click here for a very good overview of the social science behind the type of financial fraud highlighted below via WLOX. I’m personally curious as to the rationalization. The following story makes clear the motive aka the unshareable need was keeping up with the Jones, behavior I personally find imbecilic. Both have school age children … Continue reading “Small town Mississippi rocked to the core”

Log Cabin Republican Greg Davis asked to resign as Mayor of Southaven

Well folks what can I say except the ongoing saga of the now openly gay Southaven Mayor Greg Davis has gone national as the Board of Alderman has called on hiz honner to resign for spending public money at sex shops of the variety preferred by what the locals would refer to as “the sodomites”. You see folks … Continue reading “Log Cabin Republican Greg Davis asked to resign as Mayor of Southaven”

EEEeeeeuuuu! Southaven Mayor Greg Davis leaves a bad taste in the taxpayer’s mouth. Why a politician’s personal life matters.

I know most of the story and may know the whole story. This is not a surprise to most,if he does his job well, what business is it of yours what he does on his private time. I may not agree with what he is doing, but there have been times others have not agreed with … Continue reading “EEEeeeeuuuu! Southaven Mayor Greg Davis leaves a bad taste in the taxpayer’s mouth. Why a politician’s personal life matters.”

How about some media reaction to yesterday’s Porkeous the Pig roast

In the world of high finance the adage bulls make money, bears make money and pigs get slaughtered applies here folks.  Thomas Porteous’ sin wasn’t that his behavior was all that unusual for the local bench, which is pretty damn corrupt.  Rather the fact that he was so out front with his hoggish behavior, which in … Continue reading “How about some media reaction to yesterday’s Porkeous the Pig roast”

Putting in the fix and giving them the Feldman Part 2: Slabbed explores the seemingly foreign concept of recusal in the Louisiana Eastern District Federal Courts as we tie a few more things together.

Subsection 455(b)(4) requires disqualification where a judge “knows that he, individually or as a fiduciary, or his spouse or minor child residing in his household, has a financial interest in the subject matter in controversy or in a party to the proceeding, or any other interest that could be substantially affected by the outcome of … Continue reading “Putting in the fix and giving them the Feldman Part 2: Slabbed explores the seemingly foreign concept of recusal in the Louisiana Eastern District Federal Courts as we tie a few more things together.”