The New York Times on Bush Lackey Marc Racicot Leaving the AIA: “Don’t be the last guy off the (Gravy) train”

Our readers no doubt remember our recent post on George Bush political lackey Mark Racicot being curbed by the American Insurance Association from his $1.8 million dollar a year job with them. Our take was vastly different from the Kool Aid being served by AIA at the time. Today, the New York Times picks up the … Continue reading “The New York Times on Bush Lackey Marc Racicot Leaving the AIA: “Don’t be the last guy off the (Gravy) train””

Bush Political Lackey Marc Racicot Curbed by American Insurance Association

The impending change of administrations means George Bush’s 2004 campaign manager’s usefulness running the AIA is done. His creditials are simple impeccable having worked for such stellar examples of the GOP capitalist model lobbying for Enron. In the aftermath of the meltdown of the financial system of which AIG is the poster boy I find this blurb from the AIA … Continue reading “Bush Political Lackey Marc Racicot Curbed by American Insurance Association”

From the revolving door files I offer Leon C Buck Jr., former aide to Representative Sheila Jackson Lee. Welcome to Slabbed Leon.

One thing me and my main man Sam at the National Underwriter agree on is the need to put an end to the revolving door but it won’t happen before Leon Buck passes through.  Buck, a former aide to Houston Texas based US Representative Sheila Jackson Lee has gone to work for the dark side at the Property … Continue reading “From the revolving door files I offer Leon C Buck Jr., former aide to Representative Sheila Jackson Lee. Welcome to Slabbed Leon.”

Sam if it is a fight you want bring it on. Disconnect remains on display at the National Underwriter.

Of all the other blogs that we’ve linked, National Underwriter Editor in Chief Sam Friedman’s blog certainly resides in our top 5 for mentions here at Slabbed.  We link Sam because of many of his insights are keen and because we respect his sincerity. I’m also certain Sam does not know what to make of this blogger, a … Continue reading “Sam if it is a fight you want bring it on. Disconnect remains on display at the National Underwriter.”

The Mobile Press Register tackles NFIP reform: The Slabbed are the fly in the ointment that just won’t go away

Hat tip to both a reader and Editilla over at the Ladder. While we understand why a reporter has to hang his hat on that fatally flawed OIG report on claims dumping I am certain it will not be the last word on the subject, far from it in fact. After reading this article my mind is … Continue reading “The Mobile Press Register tackles NFIP reform: The Slabbed are the fly in the ointment that just won’t go away”

Da Corban spin continues: AIA prefers denial while the National Underwriter carries III press release calling it news

Robert Hartwig isn’t the only prostitute (I mean shill) who will say or do anything (and I mean anything) for the right amount of money. Not to be left out and preferring denial over Hartwiggian threats the AIA issued the following press release: (Nowdy isn’t it about time we got some more hits out of Montana on … Continue reading “Da Corban spin continues: AIA prefers denial while the National Underwriter carries III press release calling it news”

NFIP Formally Extended Until March 6, 2009

Using industry trade groups as his primary sources, Arthur Postal reports passage of the extension for the National Underwriter. Our readers will remember current AIA Prez Marc Racicot as former Montana GOP Governor and George W Bushie 2004 campaign manager. The Senate approved legislation Saturday that includes a provision extending the authorization for the current … Continue reading “NFIP Formally Extended Until March 6, 2009”

“Pick your option” – just say no!

Rebecca Mowbray’s Sunday food for thought was so filling that it took some time to digest all that she had to say about the Treasury Secretary Paulson’s proposal to allow insurance providers the option of operating under a federal charter or state regulation – a concept embodied in various “pick your option” legislation before Congress … Continue reading ““Pick your option” – just say no!”