Senate Bill 2579 a small step forward for a deeply troubled DMR but is Miller Time a good time for the agency

Jamie Miller came to the Executive Director’s job at the Mississippi Department of Marine Resources with a reputation as a no nonsense hatchet man and he has lived up the PR in his first 10 months on the job. In true Mississippi political fashion the surviving, politically connected finalist was also hired on with the … Continue reading “Senate Bill 2579 a small step forward for a deeply troubled DMR but is Miller Time a good time for the agency”

In Mississippi tax breaks and the gang at Port and Harbor in the news

First we have a reader question: In the Sun Herald this morning on page 3A under “D’Iberville approves tax break to attract business” Joe Cloyd’s CDBG Long Term Work Force housing Riverside senior apartments is asking the city to abate ad valorem taxes for three years. This is not a business that produces or pays … Continue reading “In Mississippi tax breaks and the gang at Port and Harbor in the news”

The heat is on Auditor Pickering: Investigation or Coverup??

I’ve made no secret of the fact I though the Office of the State Auditor was on DMR to run interference on the FBI and OIG.  That said I’ve had people in the know tell me that notion was wrong and in fact Auditor Pickering would use the state prosecution of certain former DMR employees … Continue reading “The heat is on Auditor Pickering: Investigation or Coverup??”

Protest time at DMR as rumors swirl about taxpayer paid boat motors going into private boats

Once more unto the breach, dear friends, once more ~ Shakespeare, Henry The Fifth Act 3 Vital background can be found here and here. I will not repeat the very specific tip I received by email yesterday beyond saying the FBI and/or the Office of the State Auditor should immediately account for every engine purchased for … Continue reading “Protest time at DMR as rumors swirl about taxpayer paid boat motors going into private boats”

Small and Mighty: Ocean Springs Beach Protest raises awareness of problems at the State Auditor’s Office

Pictures are indeed worth 1,000 words. Here is Bill Walker enjoying the company of his grandson while keeping an eye on the Beach Protest held outside the Stacey Pickering Fundraiser: Small Group of Protesters Picket Pickering in Ocean Springs ~ Warren Kulo As RFP pointed out in comments Warren was kind enough to link Slabbed’s … Continue reading “Small and Mighty: Ocean Springs Beach Protest raises awareness of problems at the State Auditor’s Office”

State Auditor Pickering’s fuzzy math under the microscope: Exactly where are all the bucks stopping?

That’s a softball question in the post title because all of the bucks are stopping over at Joe Cloyd’s house for a celebration funded in part by the no bid, $50,000 contract Cloyd scored to supposedly communicate the results of Jamie Miller’s outside CPA firm review of the “culture of corruption” that is the Mississippi … Continue reading “State Auditor Pickering’s fuzzy math under the microscope: Exactly where are all the bucks stopping?”

So the assemblage is calling for Mugshots…..

After covering a couple three of these criminal investigation thingys my best advice is patience as there is certainly lots happening in the background. For instance political favors are certainly being called etc etc as these things are undeniably intertwined with the criminal justice process. These are reasons that folks like Ray Ray the Chocolate … Continue reading “So the assemblage is calling for Mugshots…..”

How about some DMR gossip

Actually some of it is yesterday’s and the day before’s but I am steadily wrapping my mind around this troubled state agency and there are a couple of items which deserve a second look and maybe a bit of analysis. First comment bumped is from Eye-Spy: This is a classic example of waste, fraud and … Continue reading “How about some DMR gossip”