Guest Post: Heather Hilliard writes a book and introduces herself

Slabbed lifers should remember the story of Heather Hilliard, a story of sexual harassment out of Jefferson Parish government that would prove to be a major embarrassment for the Young Administration. In the time since settling her lawsuit against her former employer Heather has kept busy writing the first of several books. She sent the … Continue reading “Guest Post: Heather Hilliard writes a book and introduces herself”

Litigation ain’t easy: A Heather Hilliard / SRHS v KPMG update

Ramon Antonio Vargas tells the story behind the story of a determined litigant in former Jefferson Parish CAO Heather Hilliard and her two and a half year journey to justice for the New Orleans Advocate that is good reading as another news story originally broke by Slabbed New Media (here and here) completes its cycle through the news. Looks … Continue reading “Litigation ain’t easy: A Heather Hilliard / SRHS v KPMG update”

Heather Hilliard litigation reveals the many sides of Parish Prez John Young….

And it is only right that Slabbed reveal those sides given that I broke the coverage of management team turmoil in the Young Administration back in January, 2012 which was joined almost immediately by the big media outlets in NOLA.  The story went straight down into the gutter with tales of workplace sexual harassment that used terms … Continue reading “Heather Hilliard litigation reveals the many sides of Parish Prez John Young….”

I hear Heather Hilliard has a new lawyer: Jefferson Parish Omnibus

Folks don’t get mad, get Slabbed.  I’m not certain why Ms. Hilliard changed counsel midstream but I certainly think she nabbed a fine lawyer. Newbies can find vital background here and here plus generally here. It is another example of a Slabbed scoop on the Jefferson Parish beat. I’ve had a few things in my inbox on … Continue reading “I hear Heather Hilliard has a new lawyer: Jefferson Parish Omnibus”

John Young discussing the Heather Hilliard suit via his private email: That woman will be the death of me

Welp, folks I think what we have now in the council chambers is a bona fide circus with Heather Hilliard busting team Young for using their private email accounts to conduct the public’s business plus Joe Caldarera is running back to the Parish Council to tattle on Deb Foshee. None of these are exactly confidence inspiring developments, … Continue reading “John Young discussing the Heather Hilliard suit via his private email: That woman will be the death of me”

Former Young Administration CAA Heather Hilliard files suit against Jefferson Parish

I guess it is only natural my email inbox got a workout late yesterday afternoon after Former Young Administration CAA Heather Hilliard filed suit against Jefferson Parish since Slabbed trail blazed the subject of Hilliard’s battles with Young’s former Deputy COO Richard Hart. In fact Slabbed was there in early 2011 with news that Hart … Continue reading “Former Young Administration CAA Heather Hilliard files suit against Jefferson Parish”

Heather Hilliard bounced out of the Young Administration

I hate to sound callous but I saw this coming with the very first set of posts I did on the Richard Hart-Heather Hilliard conflict. Rich Rainey has all the skinny. Is Hilliard a whistle blower?  No.  Did how her complaint of harassment against Hart was handled set the bar for how these type of … Continue reading “Heather Hilliard bounced out of the Young Administration”

Meet Mississippi Republican Party Executive Committee Member Heather Fox: Axe Woman

Here you go folks, ever wonder where some of the kookier notions in the Mississippi GOP emanates? We need look no further than up Desoto County way: GOP activist charged in axe-swinging incident with neighbor after she had been drinking whiskey. via @desototimes — Slabbed New Media (@SlabbedNewMedia) August 2, 2016 The headlines over … Continue reading “Meet Mississippi Republican Party Executive Committee Member Heather Fox: Axe Woman”

The SRHS Hopes Retiree Group turns 1 today

And the Singing River Disaster drags on as well. I will absolutely having something on the proposed settlement, which I have concluded is woefully insufficient, as soon as I can devote the time to writing the post but in wishing the SRHS Hopes folks a happy first anniversary I’d like to point out something that … Continue reading “The SRHS Hopes Retiree Group turns 1 today”