Thank God for Arizona Part 3: Blaming the surge in drug violence on the Mexicans. God damn the pusher man (and his U.S. banker).

But now we live in debased times, Sans punishment to fit our crimes Our moral compass has got lost, Or on the rubbish heap been tossed. As in this cautionary tale of bankers, Who came to look like social cankers. You will all know the basic story, In all its venal details, gory. Of how … Continue reading “Thank God for Arizona Part 3: Blaming the surge in drug violence on the Mexicans. God damn the pusher man (and his U.S. banker).”

Young at heart – well, not exactly, but… Jefferson Parish felt the heat, Young claims to have seen the light on Public Records

Val Bracy had the story – Public records bill under fire from councilman – but,I’m not so certain Jefferson Parish Councilman John Young, or anyone on the Council for that matter,  really understands the concept of open government.  Young’s proposed resolution is a step in the right direction but it should not take heat for … Continue reading “Young at heart – well, not exactly, but… Jefferson Parish felt the heat, Young claims to have seen the light on Public Records”

Branch files Appeal of Magistrate’s Order

“No wonder you’re late. Why, this watch is exactly two days slow.” SLABBED reported the Magistrate’s Order in Shall we dance?…, a post that focused on what the Branch plaintiffs argue was the Magistrate’s “flawed construction” of a “Loss Shifting” and “Inflated Revenue” dichotomy.   In Branch’s Motion for Appeal of Magistrate’s Order, however, the … Continue reading “Branch files Appeal of Magistrate’s Order”

“It’s the same old song But with a different meaning” – electronically stored information: Branch qui tam

Nowadays, all roads seem to lead to Jefferson Parish.  Why I was surprised to find a road connecting Jefferson Parish to the Branch qui tam case is beyond me.  Mind you, it’s not a main road; but, before we can go there, a little background is in order and, for that, we make a u-turn … Continue reading ““It’s the same old song But with a different meaning” – electronically stored information: Branch qui tam”

Aggregate Reserves – the meme for the scheme and the schemata of the Defendants in Branch qui tam

Memes, of course, are contagious and those about Katrina litigation tend to spread like wildfire.  In that regard, Judge Vance, who appears to be up-to-date on her shots and fully immunized, might want to suggest others get booster shots before decisions are made on Branch’s Motion to Compel.  Defendants’ response to the Branch motion is … Continue reading “Aggregate Reserves – the meme for the scheme and the schemata of the Defendants in Branch qui tam”

chain, chain, chain of fools – Liberty Mutual’s and Standard Fire’s motions to break chain and sever from Branch defendants

Aretha I’m not but a chain of fools I can spot –  and, despite their claims to the contrary, there’s no weak link between either Liberty Mutual or Standard Fire and the other Branch defendants.  I will concede, however, both companies rattle the chain more than most.  In fact, they make so much noise that … Continue reading “chain, chain, chain of fools – Liberty Mutual’s and Standard Fire’s motions to break chain and sever from Branch defendants”

hide-and-go-seek in Branch qui tam – and Liberty Mutual, you’re &#IT

96 – 97 – 98 – 99 -100!  Time to open your eyes Magistrate Shushan! Liberty Mutual is “It” and the game is hide-and-go-seek and see if Branch can find you.  Two new entries of the docket show how the game is played.  The first is an Order issued by Magistrate Shushan: Considering the foregoing … Continue reading “hide-and-go-seek in Branch qui tam – and Liberty Mutual, you’re &#IT”

qui tam Olympics: Branch throws javelin to protect Disclosure Statement; Rigsbys got speared when Judge Walker gave their Disclosure to State Farm in the McIntosh case!

“Sharing of information between the Government and the relator does not waive either the attorney-client privilege or the work product protections.” FALSE CLAIMS ACT:  WHISTLEBLOWER LITIGATION, §9-4(a)(5), attached as Ex. 1. Well, hell’s bells! The Branch Opposition to Defendants’ Motion to Compel delivered a tutorial on disclosure on a silver platter with Exhibit 1 as … Continue reading “qui tam Olympics: Branch throws javelin to protect Disclosure Statement; Rigsbys got speared when Judge Walker gave their Disclosure to State Farm in the McIntosh case!”

Branch Consultants file Rock(well) solid opposition to Protective Order – explain why Walker’s Order won’t protect State Farm’s a$$ in Rigsby qui tam

Defendants argue that the Court should adopt Judge Senter’s interpretation of Rockwell and require Branch to prevail at a trial limited to the 27 Exemplar Properties before allowing Branch to obtain discovery concerning other properties…No court has ever interpreted Rockwell to mean that a relator who alleges a long-running scheme has to have direct and … Continue reading “Branch Consultants file Rock(well) solid opposition to Protective Order – explain why Walker’s Order won’t protect State Farm’s a$$ in Rigsby qui tam”

Judge Vance has her Reasons – orders Nielsen to dance with Branch; band is playing fraud

Qui tam plaintiffs move to strike Fidelity’s Third-Party Complaint against its policyholders… Because Fidelity’s claims do not meet the appropriate standard under the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure and because third-party practice is considerably restricted in False Claims Act actions, the motion is GRANTED. With 24-pages of Reasons supporting her Order, no one can call … Continue reading “Judge Vance has her Reasons – orders Nielsen to dance with Branch; band is playing fraud”