Today is arraignment day for Aaron Broussard and Tom Wilkinson.

And I personally can’t wait to hear today’s quote from that self-absorbed jackass Aaron Broussard.  I hear Team Broussard is considering an insanity defense so I bet whatever ol’ Aaron has to say to the cameras will be way out there. sop

Aaron Broussard again in the Canadian Media

New Orleans politician Aaron Broussard’s federal prosecution for fraud has captured much of the public’s attention over the past few months, including allegations that he may have used his Nova Scotia vacation property off Trout Point Road near the Tobeatic Wilderness in East Kempt,Nova Scotia in illegal enrichment schemes, but a far older and broader … Continue reading “Aaron Broussard again in the Canadian Media”

Jefferson Parish Corruption Miscellany: Payola and the Broussard/Wilkinson Superseding Indictment

Jimmy aka one of the goat herders inquired in comments about the lack of a Nova Scotia connection in the superseding indictment released last week against Aaron Broussard and Tom Wilkinson. The 28 page court filing can be found via the Times Picayune here and is well worth the read. Rich Rainey’s accompanying story is also very good.  … Continue reading “Jefferson Parish Corruption Miscellany: Payola and the Broussard/Wilkinson Superseding Indictment”

BREAKING: Certain NOLA Media outlets are reporting a Superceding Indictment of Aaron Broussard and Tom Wilkinson has been unsealed.

Y’all go click over by the Toolman as that is who has reported it.  I’ll nab the PACER docs and update this post in a bit. sop

Slabbed explores former Jefferson Parish President Aaron Broussard’s business activities in Nova Scotia Part 2: You own 100% of 2% of nothing.

In part 1 of this series I covered the genesis of Trout Point development and the associated fleecing of the ACOA by our three amigos Danny Abel, Vaughn Perret and Charles Leary. The fallout was slow in developing though as certain employees at the ACOA that were involved with the La Farme D’Acadie disaster actually died in the interim and the ACOA was not … Continue reading “Slabbed explores former Jefferson Parish President Aaron Broussard’s business activities in Nova Scotia Part 2: You own 100% of 2% of nothing.”

Feeling blue that Aaron Broussard shook you down for money to build vacation hotels and lodges overseas?

Well folks all you gotta do is make one call thats all. I mention this because of an excellent column written last week by the T-P’s Stephanie Grace about all the Parish venders/contractors whose names have popped up in the ongoing federal investigation into Aaron Broussard’s shithouse business dealings. Slabbed of course has been on the … Continue reading “Feeling blue that Aaron Broussard shook you down for money to build vacation hotels and lodges overseas?”

Slabbed explores former Jefferson Parish President Aaron Broussard’s business activities in Nova Scotia Part 1: In the deep south ‘reality’ is often a simple illusion.

And so it is in Canada too folks. These past 2 weeks on Slabbed have been nothing short of extraordinary as the allegations of wrongdoing on part of former Jefferson Parish President Aaron Broussard, who resigned in disgrace the day after he was interviewed by then Fox 8 reporter Val Bracy have snowballed with Karen Parker and … Continue reading “Slabbed explores former Jefferson Parish President Aaron Broussard’s business activities in Nova Scotia Part 1: In the deep south ‘reality’ is often a simple illusion.”

Former Broussard CAO Tim Whitmer spilling his guts links: “He Knows Where All The Bones Are Buried”

Yes he does folks.  Here are some NOLA media links: Time to hang it all out part deux: Cato get the timestamp, Tim Whitmer is cooperating with Team Fed. ~ Slabbed New Media (1/13/12) Whitmer’s Attorney: ‘He Knows Where All The Bones Are Buried’ ~ WDSU TV More charges in probe of Jefferson Parish corruption: An editorial … Continue reading “Former Broussard CAO Tim Whitmer spilling his guts links: “He Knows Where All The Bones Are Buried””