Slabbed takes a look back at Theriot v Cyberspace and ties a few things together as we again call for his resignation.

I recently had one of those famous Slabbed Ah-Ha moments where what seemed to be unrelated events clicked. The result is this post as we can examine the recent events that ended with Mr Theriot withdrawing his very ill advised lawsuit against the blogosphere in context. Unfortunately I’ll also explain why the Slabbed Nation should remained armed and vigilant as the thugs on … Continue reading “Slabbed takes a look back at Theriot v Cyberspace and ties a few things together as we again call for his resignation.”

"Broach"ing the subject – with TheRiot it's all a matter of priorities

We all have priorities. Right? Consequently, we all know how frustrating it is to have something more urgent pop-up and move to the top of the list. Right.  Instead of boring you with a whine about what popped-up that caused me to miss this column at the first of the week, I’ll adjust my priorities … Continue reading “"Broach"ing the subject – with TheRiot it's all a matter of priorities”

Jefferson Parish News Miscellany: Ethics and self serving idiots dominate the headlines

While I was circling back through the Times Picayune’s coverage of Team Theriot dropping their lawsuit against the blogosphere I ran across an update of an update on Rich Rainey’s original report on team Theriot dropping the lawsuit against the Blogosphere. I’m linking that expanded report today as I’m no longer leaving aside the fact that every … Continue reading “Jefferson Parish News Miscellany: Ethics and self serving idiots dominate the headlines”

Steve TheRiot issues a press release. It's getting deep folks.

Folks it is not that Theriot is dumb or a fool. Rather he thinks the general public are idiots. Here is the hot off the press release: Regarding the lawsuit recently filed by the Parish of Jefferson and Steve J. Theriot against John Does 1 through 100 and the subpoena issued to New Orleans, Net, LLC; … Continue reading “Steve TheRiot issues a press release. It's getting deep folks.”

BREAKING: Theriot drops lawsuit against Blogosphere. Updated 3X

Hat tip Koallawalla in the comments. This is a victory for the 1st amendment and those who fought to defend her. Mr Theriot you did the right thing dropping this suit. I’ll update this post as the news breaks into the mass media. [youtube=] Update:

Still got some popcorn? Grab a chair and watch State Farm's training video – "Which Was It…Wind or Water?"

In Flores et al v State Farm, “The initial focus of the punitive liability of State Farm is on its adjuster Heather Keyt… One specific educational source that was identified by Ms. Keyt was an instructional video on “how to tell the difference” in causation questions over wind versus water”. State Farm has not produced … Continue reading “Still got some popcorn? Grab a chair and watch State Farm's training video – "Which Was It…Wind or Water?"”

Gentleman start your attorney! Phil Bryant may not smell oil on the coast but the bar smells money. Slabbed updates the Oil Spill.

This post has a little something for everyone as the media frenzy on BP’s little mess is exceeded only by the feeding frenzy of the legal profession as seemingly every ambulance chasing lawyer in the nation has descended upon the Gulf Coast like a swarm of locusts. And we have some video for those folks that are wondering what the heck … Continue reading “Gentleman start your attorney! Phil Bryant may not smell oil on the coast but the bar smells money. Slabbed updates the Oil Spill.”

The truth emerges. Steve Theriot's lawsuit against the Blogosphere is continued retaliation against Anne Marie Vandenweghe. Slabbed was there from the beginning and now can tell the story. (Corrected)

What has become known here on slabbed as the Jefferson Parish political corruption scandal is a multi-faceted affair that would take several posts to recap. In my opinion the big Kahuna is the River Birch landfill but we also have the petty corruption in the Redflex Contract along with some garden variety payroll fraud, and of course the … Continue reading “The truth emerges. Steve Theriot's lawsuit against the Blogosphere is continued retaliation against Anne Marie Vandenweghe. Slabbed was there from the beginning and now can tell the story. (Corrected)”

How about some live blogging from the Parish Council meeting (UPDATED 2X)

We’re getting some text messages from folks in attendance. The early snippets do not look encouraging folks and the gang evidently continues to visit the lemonaide spring over at Big Rock Candy Mountain: Waxing nonsensical to beging the meeting. OMG. He (Theriot) just said he encourages transparency and input. He whined about ‘anonymous’ comments and … Continue reading “How about some live blogging from the Parish Council meeting (UPDATED 2X)”

The Times Picayune weighs in on Jefferson Parish v the Blogosphere. Open season declared on Parish President Theriot.

Once, when I was still wet behind the ears financial blogger that was full of himself after making some money in the market I didn’t keep my eyes on the ball and literally ended up making an ass of myself in front of a very well-heeled audience. The lessons learned from that experience serve me … Continue reading “The Times Picayune weighs in on Jefferson Parish v the Blogosphere. Open season declared on Parish President Theriot.”