Waste Management drops the nuke, makes explosive allegations against unnamed Parish employees in suit involving Jefferson Parish and River Birch

Time is short for me this morning but on the general topic of the Parish v Waste Management, we previously chronicled certain events here with a couple of background posts here and here. Yesterday, Paul Rioux at the Times Picayune broke a story on a recent legal pleading filed in the NOLA federal courts on the suit which IMHO also represents the … Continue reading “Waste Management drops the nuke, makes explosive allegations against unnamed Parish employees in suit involving Jefferson Parish and River Birch”

Sunday news miscellany: Various and sundry politicians, election results and “Hot lead for lunch”.

Like Nowdy, I’ve been relatively scarce from the cyber scene though for different reasons, mine being completely self centered.  I have unanswered emails going back to the middle of last month but I am tackling everything albeit on a slower pace.  The only thing I’ll add is that IMHO a good basher need down time.  😉 Speaking of … Continue reading “Sunday news miscellany: Various and sundry politicians, election results and “Hot lead for lunch”.”

Peggy Barton: Tom Wilkinson’s Continuing Legacy of Arrogance and Incompetence to Further Facilitate Corruption Part I. A guest post by Whitmergate

When Steve Theriot was unlawfully appointed by the Jefferson Parish Council to be Parish President as a result of Broussard’s resignation, he chose, in concert with the six Council members who ushered him upon us, to appoint Peggy Barton acting interim Parish Attorney. And what an act it’s been… It was Deja Vu …and live … Continue reading “Peggy Barton: Tom Wilkinson’s Continuing Legacy of Arrogance and Incompetence to Further Facilitate Corruption Part I. A guest post by Whitmergate”

HOT NEWS – Class action status given lawsuits over Jefferson Parish flooding!

Some of the suits allege that former Parish President Aaron Broussard‘s administration’s caused the flooding by evacuating drainage pump operators to Washington Parish as the storm bore down on southeast Louisiana. Richard Rainey has the story for the Times Picayune – just not many details:

River Birch Landfill: Anatomy of Corruption. A Guest post by Whitmergate

River Birch: Wilkinson’s Wanton Watershed This is a story of corruption, where vampiric forces of a political elite’s unbridled greed nurtures blatant abuse of power by their minions in public office that would be analogous to rape. In this instance, it is the rape of the Jefferson Parish taxpayers’ public treasury. Just look at that … Continue reading “River Birch Landfill: Anatomy of Corruption. A Guest post by Whitmergate”

BREAKING: Christopher Campbell has been found safe in Minnesota. Slabbed tells the story behind the story.

First the good news folks. 5 year old Christopher Campbell has been found and his kidnapping father is under arrest. Michelle Hunter has the story for the Times Picayune: A New Orleans man wanted for simple kidnapping in connection with the abduction of his 5-year-old son was arrested in Minnesota this afternoon, according to authorities. … Continue reading “BREAKING: Christopher Campbell has been found safe in Minnesota. Slabbed tells the story behind the story.”

Jefferson Parish District Attorney Paul Connick, Jr.: A mantle of malfeasance Part II. A guest post by Whitmergate

Aside from the obvious and expected role of a District Attorney, to enforce the criminal laws of his Parish and State, that office is also charged in many instances with the obligation to seek and recover monetary restitution from any individual and/or any legal entity that has, in violation of parish or State law, profited … Continue reading “Jefferson Parish District Attorney Paul Connick, Jr.: A mantle of malfeasance Part II. A guest post by Whitmergate”

Lets talk Lawrence Chehardy calling it quits and catch up on some local news.

The Times Picayune broke the story here and Rich Rainey made it official here as one of the titans of Jefferson Parish Politics suddenly and without warning called it quits. The T-P OpEd on the subject had a blurb that that summed up the Jefferson Parish aristocracy: Mr. Chehardy, who slipped into office as a 22-year-old law student … Continue reading “Lets talk Lawrence Chehardy calling it quits and catch up on some local news.”

Putting in the fix for Riverbirch and the landfill's diverse ownership. Slabbed examines the Parish's suit against Waste Management

Our readers make Slabbed the good read and this post is no different as it comes courtesy of reader tips and reader assisted research. As much as I’d like to take all the credit for our Jefferson Parish coverage I can’t though I greatly appreciate the highly complimentary comments on our coverage that were left on … Continue reading “Putting in the fix for Riverbirch and the landfill's diverse ownership. Slabbed examines the Parish's suit against Waste Management”

Putting in the fix for River Birch and the landfill's diverse ownership: Theriot's long awaited contract evaluation scheme now staffed.

I had to laugh when I read Rich Rainey’s latest installment in as the landfill turns as he chronicles the completion of the scheme Theriot and his band of idiots on the Parish Council have hatched to put the fix in for River Birch via a controlled evaluation of a flawed contracting process.  Before we get to the latest on Theriot’s dog … Continue reading “Putting in the fix for River Birch and the landfill's diverse ownership: Theriot's long awaited contract evaluation scheme now staffed.”