Meantime the gang over at West Jefferson Medical Center lives the high life on the trough

Hat tip to Mr CLS who duly noted: Colleagues and Camaraderie Were In Order Appropriate title while one awaits the sentencing of Bill Hubbard on Thursday, January 20, 2011. Mr. Hubbard received and deposited checks from Jefferson Parish signed off by Parish President Aaron Broussard and then Finance Director Nancy Cassagne before leaving that position … Continue reading “Meantime the gang over at West Jefferson Medical Center lives the high life on the trough”

Slabbed’s greatest hits of 2010….

Here is the list of our top 10 posts in terms of page views for 2010: Katrina’s “who dat Judge Martin Feldman” now dabbling in oil! “Who Dat” Judge Martin Feldman – the 5th Circuit’s Opinion in Versai v Clarendon Jefferson Parish Corruption the way Daddy still does it. Dumpster dived Jimmy Lawson and the … Continue reading “Slabbed’s greatest hits of 2010….”

A Perky Dump: Let’s review

The staff over at The Jefferson Report have compiled a nice synopsis of the River Birch saga where they copiously link us among other media sources and add some intrigue via some commonalities between Team River Birch and the John Young campaign. Jeremy Alford follows that up with a report on the taxpayer-funded perks accorded former Parish … Continue reading “A Perky Dump: Let’s review”

Garbage in, Garbage out: The trouble with keeping yer lies straight….. A River Birch contract evaluation update.

The old adage about the trouble with keeping lies straight came to mind yesterday as I read Paul Rioux’s T-P story on River Birch’s much ballyhooed contract evaluation performed by the rent an economist at Loren C. Scott and Associates.  Being a blog moderator has its advantages, especially when the ol’ memory bank is functioning on … Continue reading “Garbage in, Garbage out: The trouble with keeping yer lies straight….. A River Birch contract evaluation update.”

Ethics and morality? Shakespeare knew not of sociopathy: A quick Slabbed update.

My desktop is cluttered with links and that does not count the ones I present today for the consideration of the Slabbed Nation.  If the spirit moves me I’ll try to string some of the saved links together around the Saints game today and put a couple of posts in the can for next week. We … Continue reading “Ethics and morality? Shakespeare knew not of sociopathy: A quick Slabbed update.”


As Dambala at American Zombie puts it, New Orleans area politicians looting charities is the “art of the con profit”.  The scheme is now a time-honored one in the Dollar Bill Jefferson crime family: Steer government earmarks to a charity under the effective control of the politician doing the steering and then loot the money out on … Continue reading “It”

In this episode of Magnum JD it is brother versus brother: Gauthier Houghtaling and Williams sued by former employees.

Hat tip to several readers including the guy who wrote: Going to be an awkward Thanksgiving at the Houghtaling household…. First reader to get us a copy of the suit gets a free Slabbed “Shit Floats” T-Shirt. (As soon as we do the design/build 😉 ) The name of the case is: Stephen Huber, Todd … Continue reading “In this episode of Magnum JD it is brother versus brother: Gauthier Houghtaling and Williams sued by former employees.”

So Greg Meffert cuts this deal with Team Letten…..

So it is only natural for folks to then speculate who Mr Meffert is giving up in order to save his wife’s skin and insure the boys have a parent at home.  (Like Dambala we salute Mr Meffert for manning up) So who did Meffert have the goods on to get his deal?  The answer comes courtesy of the … Continue reading “So Greg Meffert cuts this deal with Team Letten…..”

Slabbed Jefferson Parish News Miscellany: Work for the Parish and travel the world plus the Parish Council weakens the disclosure law.

Channel 4 has a pair of reports that we must highlight.  First up is the travel habits Cherreen Gegenheimer, Aaron Broussard’s Chief Administrative Assistant.  We have mentioned the Gegenheimer name here on Slabbed a time or two as Cherreen’s hubby, Clerk of Court Jon Gegenheimer was recently caught in a lie regarding his office’s affiliations with soon to be indicted former … Continue reading “Slabbed Jefferson Parish News Miscellany: Work for the Parish and travel the world plus the Parish Council weakens the disclosure law.”

One acronym fits it all folks: RICO. The Legislative Auditor report on Jefferson Parish finds probable payroll fraud.

Many months and resignations later, Louisiana Legislative Auditor Daryl Purpera has issued a report on the question of payroll fraud in the Jefferson Parish Attorney’s Office and the answer is yes Virginia, Aaron Broussard, Tom Wilkinson and Tim Whitmer are likely petty criminals that used the Parish’s payroll system to enrich relative and crony alike.  The media coverage … Continue reading “One acronym fits it all folks: RICO. The Legislative Auditor report on Jefferson Parish finds probable payroll fraud.”