On the finance boards it is called Due Diligence……Who is Diversified Ventures?????

Due Diligence: [doo dil-i-juhns] 1 : such diligence as a reasonable person under the same circumstances would use : use of reasonable but not necessarily exhaustive efforts called also reasonable diligence Folks I am still shaking my head about today’s Times Picayune crooks and liars endorsement. That said we’ll stay on the crooks and liars here … Continue reading “On the finance boards it is called Due Diligence……Who is Diversified Ventures?????”

Team River Birch beclowns their clowns: A putting in the fix on the inside for River Birch update.

Paul Rioux at the Times Picayune checks in today with a report that is masterful in its nuance as Team River Birch has the full court PR press on and one again they manage to put egg on their own face as well as the Parish, specifically Public Records.  There is lots of fodder for discussion in Paul’s … Continue reading “Team River Birch beclowns their clowns: A putting in the fix on the inside for River Birch update.”

How about a bit of workplace gossip from the Hive…..

Two quick notes from the birdies that have been chirping about the recent goings on at the Yenni Building. The first is Peggy Barton and her new job in HR, taking over for Junior Mendoza.  Junior was let go along with Jimbo the Clown’s brother Clem Donelon a couple of weeks ago by Team Young in a move … Continue reading “How about a bit of workplace gossip from the Hive…..”

The Ides of March are upon us…….

After Stephanie Grace unloaded on Aaron Broussard today in her column, I am left wondering what her missive will be on Tim Coulon when he is indicted. Coulon was a frequent breakfast partner of Miss Grace’s back in the day.  Is it me or does today’s column have a jilted lover type quality to it? To this … Continue reading “The Ides of March are upon us…….”

John Young you magnificently ignorant slut……..

Sure he’s not as bad as Broussard or TheRiot but Young comes with his own set of problems including a certain character flaw that not only unnecessarily complicates his life but will end up doing him in politically.  Bottom line is I’ve seen enough folks and its time to call this one the way I see it. … Continue reading “John Young you magnificently ignorant slut……..”

So, was it a “Doomsday Plan” or a plan for doomsday? SLABBED reports, you decide!

The pumping stations themselves are huge, sturdy, blockhouse-type buildings. None sustained any major damage from the winds. In fact, I received some reports that area policemen, during the height of the hurricane, actually sought refuge inside a pumping station, recognizing it as the safest place around. Sure enough, they emerged completely unscathed, as was the … Continue reading “So, was it a “Doomsday Plan” or a plan for doomsday? SLABBED reports, you decide!”

Citizens for Good Government calls on John Young to fire all of the perpetrators connected to the paralegal payroll fraud scandal especially the boss, Peggy Barton

Speech to Jefferson Parish Council Feb 23, 2011 About the Paralegal Scandal by CFGG Vice-Chairman Margie Seemann Today I am going to speak about Jefferson’s Paralegal Scandal, which is back in the news. Citizens for Good Government has been extremely distressed for some time about the Jefferson Parish paralegal scandal. As a matter of fact, tomorrow … Continue reading “Citizens for Good Government calls on John Young to fire all of the perpetrators connected to the paralegal payroll fraud scandal especially the boss, Peggy Barton”

Trash – the menage a trois version

Paul Rioux reports “Concrete Busters of Louisiana, whose disposal bid was rejected in favor of River Birch’s, filed the suit against River Birch late Friday in New Orleans Civil District Court” . The River Birch landfill allegedly engaged in unfair trade practices by colluding with former Jefferson Parish officials to obtain a controversial $160 million … Continue reading “Trash – the menage a trois version”

Hell waiting for high water – the devil in the details of the flooding of Jefferson Parish

Discussions of the legal and technical aspects of the flooding of Jefferson Parish following Hurricane Katrina are best left to legal scholars and expert engineers. I am neither and a post on those aspects is a subject for another day. For lack of a better word, I’m a behaviorist – and it is from that … Continue reading “Hell waiting for high water – the devil in the details of the flooding of Jefferson Parish”

CLUE – the Grand Jury version

According to the Times Picayune, the invitations sent  “while I was out” were “another sign that the federal investigation into Jefferson Parish government corruption is heating up”. SLABBED kicks off the week of this “grand” event with CLUE® – the Grand Jury version.  Unlike the River Birch version, this game is all questions. It is … Continue reading “CLUE – the Grand Jury version”