Monday Open: Something tells me……

That we have one heck of a first quarter on tap here at Slabbed. Here’s a partial pending list: Former Pearl River Mayor James Lavigne has a state trial coming up theft and malfeasance. After telling WWL TeeVee’s Ashley Rodrigue to kiss his ass something tells me the upcoming trial will be quite the media … Continue reading “Monday Open: Something tells me……”

Heather Hilliard litigation reveals the many sides of Parish Prez John Young….

And it is only right that Slabbed reveal those sides given that I broke the coverage of management team turmoil in the Young Administration back in January, 2012 which was joined almost immediately by the big media outlets in NOLA.  The story went straight down into the gutter with tales of workplace sexual harassment that used terms … Continue reading “Heather Hilliard litigation reveals the many sides of Parish Prez John Young….”

OK who squealed Part Deux: Channel 6 picks up coverage of the report on the turmoil in the senior ranks of the Young Administration

You guys may remember that Slabbed broke the story about former Jefferson Parish Deputy COO Richard Hart causing a ruckus  in the senior ranks of the Young Administration with his boorish behavior towards women.  Then we covered who squealed to the media in Councilman at large Chris Roberts, a man with a purported need to see himself … Continue reading “OK who squealed Part Deux: Channel 6 picks up coverage of the report on the turmoil in the senior ranks of the Young Administration”

Lets catch up on some coast news. Two high ranking and seasoned staffers tell Palazzo sayonara.

Career political hack Steven Palazzo was in the news this week as his top two staffers abruptly resigned. To these extent these two guys were highly touted after the election as being the guys who would help the coast bridge the gap from Gene Taylor’s 21 years of seniority to Palazzo’s zero the fact they … Continue reading “Lets catch up on some coast news. Two high ranking and seasoned staffers tell Palazzo sayonara.”