Bay Councilmen Question Audit Work Performed by Culumber, Harvey & Associates

I was somewhat surprised last Thursday that what was billed on the City Council workshop agenda as an update on the progress of the very late 2015 FY audit turned into a full blown audit report presentation before five City Council members with Councilpersons Boudin and McDonald not attending. To get a flavor of why … Continue reading “Bay Councilmen Question Audit Work Performed by Culumber, Harvey & Associates”

Like a Fly Circling a Huge Steaming Pile of Shit….

That’s where to look for Bobby Culumber folks: Bill Walker needed some help to set up a Special Purpose Entity to steal money from the Mississippi Department of Marine Resources so who does he turn to? Need some help explaining away a major bank fraud? Steven Colson sure did back in the day so who … Continue reading “Like a Fly Circling a Huge Steaming Pile of Shit….”

Other Voices | Lana Noonan: Hancock County Budget Season Update

It’s difficult to tell where to begin when it comes to Budget Season with our local entities. The number crunching has begun, and the departmental wish lists are presenting major financial challenges for our local officials. Let’s begin with the City of Bay St. Louis. The seven guys on the City Council are working hard … Continue reading “Other Voices | Lana Noonan: Hancock County Budget Season Update”

Another Stunning Display of Ineptitude by the Fillingame Administration……..

Tuesday night’s City Council meeting was a doozie and that does not count this: Lawyer’s discovery stuns Bay St. Louis officials ~ Wes Muller Bay St. Louis attorney Stephen Benvenutti told the council the city’s comprehensive zoning ordinance was never published, as required by law, when it was adopted by the previous City Council in … Continue reading “Another Stunning Display of Ineptitude by the Fillingame Administration……..”

Playing the local media for fools here on the Coast is nothing new part 2 (Updated)

When it comes to Bay St Louis, WLOX seems to get played more than the rest folks. A compare and contrast is in order, first the WLOX story which relies on one source and that source happens to be the person responsible for the Bay St Louis – Department of Justice disaster: Mayor Les Fillingame … Continue reading “Playing the local media for fools here on the Coast is nothing new part 2 (Updated)”

Houston we have a problem: Bay St Louis City management of public lands held in trust abysmal

This will be a multi part post. At last Tuesday’s City Council meeting, the issue of the City leasing air space over the state owned green space came to a head and such was the major reason that Slabbed was interested in that meeting. To set things up, at the council meeting of November 8, … Continue reading “Houston we have a problem: Bay St Louis City management of public lands held in trust abysmal”

Saturday Special: It’s Still Screwy in Bay St Louie….

As a young auditor I learned very quickly that one thing governing boards dislike more than anything else is “Emergency” special called meetings. Along those lines we get a flavor from Cassandra Favre’s article on yesterday’s Bay Council emergency meeting that the Council was not very happy and for good reason. To set things up … Continue reading “Saturday Special: It’s Still Screwy in Bay St Louie….”

Microcosm of Dysfunction: Last night’s Bay City Council meeting had a little something for everyone….

First off I did not take a poll but WLOX (Hugh Keeton if I’m not mistaken), The Sun Herald and the Sea Coast Echo were all in attendance or watching one of the various the live streams. It was a marathon meeting and I’ll start with the later portion of the meeting before I left … Continue reading “Microcosm of Dysfunction: Last night’s Bay City Council meeting had a little something for everyone….”

Updated: Throw Momma from the Train: It’s Screwy in Bay St Louie and its now unraveling like a cheap sweater

What we have here folks is a recurring theme in the human condition when someone without a moral compass leads others astray, dirtying them up in the process. It’s deadly serious now and today the Sea Coast Echo has blown things wide open with some of their finest reporting in quite some time but first … Continue reading “Updated: Throw Momma from the Train: It’s Screwy in Bay St Louie and its now unraveling like a cheap sweater”

Churn baby churn

Too big to fail, too big to jail and the revolving door from Wall Street to the Office of Attorney General and back to Wall Street. Folks, your Grandpa’s Democrats wouldn’t recognize the new ones or if he did he’d swear they are Republicans. Below is a must read. Eric Holder’s longtime excuse for not … Continue reading “Churn baby churn”