"Who Dat" Judge Martin Feldman owned Ocean EnergyTransocean Stock as late as May 14, 2010. Slabbed calls for his immediate removal from the bench and impeachment.

To our readers across the world: The people here in the Gulf South are slaves to political idealogues that populate our court system and masquerade as judges. We’re madder than hell and we’re not going to take it any more. This is why no one should EVER let Joe the Plumber do their thinking for them. And … Continue reading “"Who Dat" Judge Martin Feldman owned Ocean EnergyTransocean Stock as late as May 14, 2010. Slabbed calls for his immediate removal from the bench and impeachment.”

Nowdy sent me an email saying I needed to post……

And I was thinking another week toiling away here in the salt mine should just about catch me up. I don’t blog about the day job much and I won’t start today beyond saying that I see more of my friends from the surety arena this time of year more than any other. I enjoy those visits. … Continue reading “Nowdy sent me an email saying I needed to post……”

Times Picayune endorses Villio’s opponent! – and, well they should, as Jefferson Parish is “Where entanglements are status quo”

The Times Picayune endorsed Don Klotz for the 24th Judicial District Court position sought by Jefferson Parish insider Debbio Villio. Mr. Klotz is a career military man, having served six years in the U.S. Air Force, and continues to serve in the Army Reserves. He holds a juris doctorate from the Loyola University School of … Continue reading “Times Picayune endorses Villio’s opponent! – and, well they should, as Jefferson Parish is “Where entanglements are status quo””

Judge Barbier shines in Lightell! – Chip Merlin spotlights the Decision

I started my morning read-around with Can an Insured Recover Under a Flood Policy and an All Risk Homeowners Policy for the Same Damage? on Merlin’s blog – and that plus the beautiful sunshine here in the “Bold New City” just made my day. Chip did his usual good job spotlighting the significant points in … Continue reading “Judge Barbier shines in Lightell! – Chip Merlin spotlights the Decision”

Slabbed updates the Jefferson Parish front: Redflex reveals more under the table payments. Wilkinson “Broke the Parish’s law”

I’m reworking the post that was scheduled for publication yesterday in response to some new information so while the Slabbed nation waits we have a pair of stories from Fox 8 that directly touch on topics we’ve blogged on: The red light contract and Parish Attorney Tom Wilkerson’s double-dealing. Let’s start with Redflex: Jefferson Parish President … Continue reading “Slabbed updates the Jefferson Parish front: Redflex reveals more under the table payments. Wilkinson “Broke the Parish’s law””

SLABBED Daily – April 27

Call this the evening edition – but if I’d resolved my computer problem early enough to post this morning, I would have faced the problem of no news.  Even at this hour there wasn’t much but – just in case you haven’t heard – here goes: We’re getting closer to having a FEMA director (and … Continue reading “SLABBED Daily – April 27”

How the bases loaded for the Fifth’s Opinion in Harrington v State Farm

Once State Farm strikes out at Fifth Circuit with the bases loaded posted, Sop commented, I’d like to know who these magistrate judges are that can’t get these simple rulings right Nowdy. After several other comments, including my reply that I had not intended to suggest magistrate judges made the decisions in Harrington, Sop came … Continue reading “How the bases loaded for the Fifth’s Opinion in Harrington v State Farm”