Slabbed examines the harassment of internet commenters and Fred Heebe’s witch hunt for private citizen’s expressing their opinion: Part 1

Gordon Russell updated the saga of the Department of Justice Office of Inspector General’s investigation into Sal Perricone and Jan Mann playing on the internet as the deadline for the delivery of the report to Judge Kurt Engelhardt has quietly passed without a peep on PACER or the peeps running the investigation. The deadline for a special … Continue reading “Slabbed examines the harassment of internet commenters and Fred Heebe’s witch hunt for private citizen’s expressing their opinion: Part 1”

Gee, did anything happen while I was away?

Whewwwww doggie were things happening! I’m not sure where to start and that does not count a new development here on Slabbed.  Both chapters of the Slabbed Nation are lumped into one post for the sake of expediency so we gotta start with Former Goatherder in Chief Aaron Broussard’s REJECTION by Judge Head: Aaron Broussard … Continue reading “Gee, did anything happen while I was away?”

Repost: You have the Right to Free Speech

Ok its no secret that I follow and have followed and in reading a recent post that led me to a TP link that had another link (yea, link after link, but follow me here) to U.S. District Judge Kurt Engelhardt recent order of November 26, 2012 with regard to certain people posting on the TP web site on cases that they had knowledge of or were involved in. … Continue reading “Repost: You have the Right to Free Speech”

Chilling Effects: “In case you were thinking of leaking to the press, think again”

In another stroke of irony, an article relating the events resulting in the dismissal of charges in the Ruehle matter was circulated by email to the attorneys in the United States Attorney’s Office on December 15, 2009, by First AUSA Mann with the notation: “In case you were thinking of leaking to the press, think … Continue reading “Chilling Effects: “In case you were thinking of leaking to the press, think again””

Perricone disaster overnight miscellany: The heat is on

Indeed it is folks as we start with Times Picayune Editor Gordon Russell: Got an email from Sal Perricone. He seems a little hacked off with me. Says I’m in league w/ Fred Heebe, among other things. — Gordon Russell (@GordonRussell1) November 29, 2012 At this point I’d like to say it was not a … Continue reading “Perricone disaster overnight miscellany: The heat is on”

The cancer in Jim Letten’s office diagnosed as metastatic and the patient is terminal. A playing on the internet update. (Updated)

Well folks all the prosecutions Sal Perricone commented upon are all getting a second looksie including the post Katrina Danziger Bridge murders. It goes without saying that Jan Mann should have resigned weeks ago but yesterday the noose around her career’s neck was tightened considerably by Judge Engelhardt, who ordered the Department of Justice to reopen an … Continue reading “The cancer in Jim Letten’s office diagnosed as metastatic and the patient is terminal. A playing on the internet update. (Updated)”

Landrieu Political Hack/Phelps Dumbar Partner/Lobbyist Susie Morgan will have to cool her heels waiting for the senate….

Funny how Senator Charles Grassley brought up Tom Porteous in the confirmation hearing of Phelps Dumbar lobbyist/partner Susie Morgan to the LAED.  My own perspective is that Obama is 1 of 4 with Landrieu recommendations with Michael Bagneris the washout, Mitchmo hack Nanette Jolivette-Brown and Morgan being more of the same old same old with Jane Triche-Milazzo being the only keeper. On … Continue reading “Landrieu Political Hack/Phelps Dumbar Partner/Lobbyist Susie Morgan will have to cool her heels waiting for the senate….”

In this episode of Magnum JD – A not-much-class class action filed against BP by Magnum associate Eric O’Bell

Well, ringy, dingy, dingy! Bum steer and Bum Deal rang a reader’s O’Bell about the bum move by Magnum’s firm “of counsel” Eric O’Bell – a class action suit filed a few weeks before Magnum sealed his deal with BP. O’Bell filed Greenfield et al v. BP p.l.c. et al on June 8, 2010 in … Continue reading “In this episode of Magnum JD – A not-much-class class action filed against BP by Magnum associate Eric O’Bell”

Rut Roh! Its double trouble Gretna style. An update from the pig pen.

Jarvis DeBerry and the Times Picayune editorial board have called out that dishonest piece of crap/school board member Mark Morgan today in separate articles and I noted that many members of local hog pack were mentioned such as Morgan and Judge Kurt Engelhardt whom along with Chris Roberts, Tom Capella and Arthur Lawson will form the basis for this post. First up is … Continue reading “Rut Roh! Its double trouble Gretna style. An update from the pig pen.”

The Times Picayune calls for a Federal investigation into Jefferson Parish payroll fraud. Does the ‘Gretna Mentality’ slab US Attorney Jim Letten?

Is October the month indictments finally come down? Will DA Paul Connick, who has known about these allegations at least as long as everyone else, finally emerge from hiding and do his job? Is Jim Letten stonewalling the investigation as some folks allege? Unfortunately today’s Times Picayune Op Ed on the general subject of public … Continue reading “The Times Picayune calls for a Federal investigation into Jefferson Parish payroll fraud. Does the ‘Gretna Mentality’ slab US Attorney Jim Letten?”