Have we seen the end of rational economics? Behavioral Economics explains the Scheme.

With the very recent publishing of yet another list of the worst bad faith insurers, this time by the American Association for Justice, the topic of why the public holds these companies in such low esteem again becomes topical. We’ve well chronicled the dirty tricks and underhanded tactics these socially deviant companies employ to satisfy … Continue reading “Have we seen the end of rational economics? Behavioral Economics explains the Scheme.”

It’s that fundraising time again…..

About 4 months ago I asked for the readers to support this project albeit in a understated way. That page, “Slabbed at the crossroads”, which replaced the blog for a few hours, did stimulate substantial reader commentary, which I was happy to host. Those that have followed this project since its inception over 6 years … Continue reading “It’s that fundraising time again…..”

Oh Si can you see Part Deux: Errol and the noisemakers.

Well folks I’m not quite sure where to start as Slabbed chips in another 2 cents worth on the remaking of the Times Picayune. By now I hope you guys have “Sometimes Picayune” fatigue but I know that is not the case with some of ya so here goes for those of you that want to … Continue reading “Oh Si can you see Part Deux: Errol and the noisemakers.”

Let’s "think dirty": James Gill covers the genesis of the River Birch deal. Slabbed gives a plausible answer.

Today James Gill takes a trip down memory lane via a very good column on the history between Henry Mouton, Team River Birch, and former Gov Mike Foster echoing themes found on these pages around a year ago (and then some). What we found is there is really nothing new under the sun as the scam is pretty … Continue reading “Let’s "think dirty": James Gill covers the genesis of the River Birch deal. Slabbed gives a plausible answer.”

Magnum JD goes into syndication. Slabbed repeats “Magnum breaks out the curry for Jindy and others with Naan” but first a word from our sponsors….

Given the circumstances, this may just be the second dumbest campaign commercial Diaper David Vitter has ever run, especially since he tried to carry water for BP after the spill via limiting their liability for the damage they caused. [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HqD1_DEoexc] I’ve come to realize the danger of ideology when ordinary folks allow themselves to become unwitting dupes … Continue reading “Magnum JD goes into syndication. Slabbed repeats “Magnum breaks out the curry for Jindy and others with Naan” but first a word from our sponsors….”

So who cheats more? Wall Street Bankers or Congressional Staffers. Dan Ariely solves the mystery.

Long time readers of Slabbed well know my affinity for Behavioral Economics/Finance. Behavioral economist/MIT professor Dan Ariely shared some of the results of his research on the topic of cheating recently in San Fransisco and the answer does not surprise me. [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GSTizvMHfGY] sop

From the sudden wealth syndrome files I offer Powerball winner Christopher Shaw: Slabbed by too much of a good thing?

It is said a picture is worth a thousand words and I think that is the case today as I get a chance to indulge one of my intellectual passions in behavioral finance and its kissing cousin behavioral economics and introduce Missourian Chris Shaw to the Slabbed Nation. Chris, hit the last powerball jackpot catapulting him to … Continue reading “From the sudden wealth syndrome files I offer Powerball winner Christopher Shaw: Slabbed by too much of a good thing?”

Slabbed takes the Regulatory Challenge Part 3: Incompetent is as incompetent does. Tim Geithner and Peter Principle.

The Peter Principle is the principle that “In a Hierarchy Every Employee Tends to Rise to His Level of Incompetence.” It was formulated by Dr. Laurence J. Peter and Raymond Hull in their 1969 book The Peter Principle, a humorous treatise which also introduced the “salutary science of Hierarchiology”, “inadvertently founded” by Peter. It holds that … Continue reading “Slabbed takes the Regulatory Challenge Part 3: Incompetent is as incompetent does. Tim Geithner and Peter Principle.”

Evidence of bad faith is not a trade secret or highly confidential as Slabbed welcomes back the insurance bastards from Liberty Mutual.

Folks we have proof positive that alittle Slabbin’ coupled with sunshine makes a difference as yesterday, Liberty Mutual filed a motion to seal the evidence that we presented Monday regarding a policyholder in New Orleans that Liberty Mutual had arrested simply because the policyholder dared to filed a claim for the wind damage that Liberty Mutual promised to cover in their homeowners policy … Continue reading “Evidence of bad faith is not a trade secret or highly confidential as Slabbed welcomes back the insurance bastards from Liberty Mutual.”

Slabbed takes the regulatory challenge part 2: Which school do you belong to?

Ok folks, we had some fun in part 1 where the good people at econstories.tv contrasted classical economist Friedrich Hayek (Austrian School of Economics) with the father of Keynesian economics John Maynard Keynes via a well done rap song. Our friends over at Greenbackd are unabashed adherents to the Austrian model (Toby has written several excellent posts on the topic) … Continue reading “Slabbed takes the regulatory challenge part 2: Which school do you belong to?”