Ol’ girl Steph just can’t help herself and pumps a crooked pol by attacking the messenger: A Cedric Richmond charity looting update

Folks if you want to know one of the major reasons the greater New Orleans area has remained a cesspool of corruption for literally generations one need look no farther than to the certain New Orleans media outlets, most notably the Times Picayune. Here is a snippet from Stephanie Grace’s column which ran today: Yet when … Continue reading “Ol’ girl Steph just can’t help herself and pumps a crooked pol by attacking the messenger: A Cedric Richmond charity looting update”

The Times Picayune calls for a Federal investigation into Jefferson Parish payroll fraud. Does the ‘Gretna Mentality’ slab US Attorney Jim Letten?

Is October the month indictments finally come down? Will DA Paul Connick, who has known about these allegations at least as long as everyone else, finally emerge from hiding and do his job? Is Jim Letten stonewalling the investigation as some folks allege? Unfortunately today’s Times Picayune Op Ed on the general subject of public … Continue reading “The Times Picayune calls for a Federal investigation into Jefferson Parish payroll fraud. Does the ‘Gretna Mentality’ slab US Attorney Jim Letten?”

Magnum JD goes into syndication. Slabbed repeats “Magnum breaks out the curry for Jindy and others with Naan” but first a word from our sponsors….

Given the circumstances, this may just be the second dumbest campaign commercial Diaper David Vitter has ever run, especially since he tried to carry water for BP after the spill via limiting their liability for the damage they caused. [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HqD1_DEoexc] I’ve come to realize the danger of ideology when ordinary folks allow themselves to become unwitting dupes … Continue reading “Magnum JD goes into syndication. Slabbed repeats “Magnum breaks out the curry for Jindy and others with Naan” but first a word from our sponsors….”

Peggy Barton: Wilkinson’s Continuing Legacy of Arrogance and Incompetence to Further Facilitate Corruption Part II: Council Votes in Violation of Jefferson Parish Code of Ordinance 23-132.1. A Guest post by Whitmergate.

Having Capella vouch for Barton was not exactly what I was expecting or hoping for. And I would venture to guess that his trite comment did not assure anyone that the Parish Attorney’s Office had been purged of the decadent influence of Tom Wilkinson. This snippet from the Times-Picayune story Jefferson Parish Attorney Tom Wilkinson … Continue reading “Peggy Barton: Wilkinson’s Continuing Legacy of Arrogance and Incompetence to Further Facilitate Corruption Part II: Council Votes in Violation of Jefferson Parish Code of Ordinance 23-132.1. A Guest post by Whitmergate.”

I hate it when blogging gets in the way of work: Some transparency over at the Picayune sure would be nice.

Bunhare gets the hat tip in comments concerning a Brendon McCarthy story on a gun going off at Galatoire’s during lunch on Friday. The comments to the story identified the shooter as Louisiana State Senator Julie Quinn, current squeeze of Jefferson Parish President to be John Young.  I checked in on the story a time or two … Continue reading “I hate it when blogging gets in the way of work: Some transparency over at the Picayune sure would be nice.”

What a co-inky-dence!

Since the impeachment trial of Thomas Porteous is providing so many examples of unethical attorney conduct the ABA should require viewing and give CLE credit, does the full moon account for this ethical lapse or is there a C-span blackout in North Mississippi? If anyone can pull in big bucks, it’s Tollison.  Mid-summer the grapevine … Continue reading “What a co-inky-dence!”

Slabbed goes on assignment and strikes cyber gold

This is uncharacteristic of me in respects but I’ll share that we’re grinning large tonight as the cyber gods smiled upon us today. Nowdy and I have been out a good bit of late with the day jobs and family responsibilities but just like in Poltergeist we’re baaack. It was good to meet Oyster today and to see AROD still as … Continue reading “Slabbed goes on assignment and strikes cyber gold”

Judge Barbier can lead a “new Louisiana way”…

With Louisiana way’ on full display at Judge Thomas Porteous’ trial and the news that the  Initial federal court hearing in BP oil spill is this afternoon, I’ve given some thought to what Judge Barbier can do to make the “right way” the new “Louisiana way”: 1. Brown bag lunch versus “the Louisiana way”: “Marcotte, … Continue reading “Judge Barbier can lead a “new Louisiana way”…”

MOLE’S THEORY OF RATIONALIZATION: An Outcome Determinative Fee – a Whitmergate guest post

Unlike Enstein’s Theory of Relativity which enriched the sciences of physics and astronomy, Mole’s theory of Rationalization decays the social tenets of ethics and morals. This is yet another installment in the seemingly ‘neverending story’ of the impeachment proceedings against Tom Porteous, Federal Judge, LAED.  Mr. Joseph Mole became an active participant in this debacle … Continue reading “MOLE’S THEORY OF RATIONALIZATION: An Outcome Determinative Fee – a Whitmergate guest post”

Putting in the fix and giving them the Feldman Part 2: Slabbed explores the seemingly foreign concept of recusal in the Louisiana Eastern District Federal Courts as we tie a few more things together.

Subsection 455(b)(4) requires disqualification where a judge “knows that he, individually or as a fiduciary, or his spouse or minor child residing in his household, has a financial interest in the subject matter in controversy or in a party to the proceeding, or any other interest that could be substantially affected by the outcome of … Continue reading “Putting in the fix and giving them the Feldman Part 2: Slabbed explores the seemingly foreign concept of recusal in the Louisiana Eastern District Federal Courts as we tie a few more things together.”