If you want to see what the book publishers are reading on Slabbed today…

Click here. Nowdy maybe we need to hire an agent.  8) Meantime if I had to write a post about this stupid criminal story from yesterday’s Sun Herald the piece would be titled Dum, dum dum dum…. [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f3MjMte-FZ8] With some luck I’ll have that comprehensive post on Byron Lee ties to the landfill out for later today. … Continue reading “If you want to see what the book publishers are reading on Slabbed today…”

And while Mr Young is busy preparing to release the evaluation of the River Birch contract……..

Slabbaleaks is preparing to release proof Jefferson Parish Councilman Byron Lee has more than a passing interest in the financial success of the River Birch landfill.  I’ll add we’ve consistently been told several elected parish officials feed from the River Birch trough which would explain the Parish government’s fondness for the landfill, which was recently subjected … Continue reading “And while Mr Young is busy preparing to release the evaluation of the River Birch contract……..”


As Dambala at American Zombie puts it, New Orleans area politicians looting charities is the “art of the con profit”.  The scheme is now a time-honored one in the Dollar Bill Jefferson crime family: Steer government earmarks to a charity under the effective control of the politician doing the steering and then loot the money out on … Continue reading “It”

It’s elementary my dear Watson. This is a “crime family” affair. Slabbed takes a look at a recent earmark/charity looting in Jefferson Parish. Part 1 a few of the key players.

Like everything else Jefferson Parish even this post is tangentially related to the River Birch Landfill so before we talk 2010 I find it helpful to set up the players, both the public faces and the ones behind the scenes so let’s set the dial on the way back machine to 2008 and visit with Jefferson … Continue reading “It’s elementary my dear Watson. This is a “crime family” affair. Slabbed takes a look at a recent earmark/charity looting in Jefferson Parish. Part 1 a few of the key players.”

The Zombie calls Cedric Richmond out to play. A Cedric Richmond Charity Looting Update.

Did Tina take the fall for Cedric? This is the abiding question in my mind based on what we now know. Dambala over at American Zombie has rolled out another great post as he took Mr. CLS’s tip and put alot of meat on dem bones.  As several insurers read us I’ll add if there was a … Continue reading “The Zombie calls Cedric Richmond out to play. A Cedric Richmond Charity Looting Update.”

River Birch Landfill: Anatomy of Corruption. A Guest post by Whitmergate

River Birch: Wilkinson’s Wanton Watershed This is a story of corruption, where vampiric forces of a political elite’s unbridled greed nurtures blatant abuse of power by their minions in public office that would be analogous to rape. In this instance, it is the rape of the Jefferson Parish taxpayers’ public treasury. Just look at that … Continue reading “River Birch Landfill: Anatomy of Corruption. A Guest post by Whitmergate”

Putting in the fix for River Birch and the landfill's diverse ownership: Theriot's long awaited contract evaluation scheme now staffed.

I had to laugh when I read Rich Rainey’s latest installment in as the landfill turns as he chronicles the completion of the scheme Theriot and his band of idiots on the Parish Council have hatched to put the fix in for River Birch via a controlled evaluation of a flawed contracting process.  Before we get to the latest on Theriot’s dog … Continue reading “Putting in the fix for River Birch and the landfill's diverse ownership: Theriot's long awaited contract evaluation scheme now staffed.”

The truth emerges. Steve Theriot's lawsuit against the Blogosphere is continued retaliation against Anne Marie Vandenweghe. Slabbed was there from the beginning and now can tell the story. (Corrected)

What has become known here on slabbed as the Jefferson Parish political corruption scandal is a multi-faceted affair that would take several posts to recap. In my opinion the big Kahuna is the River Birch landfill but we also have the petty corruption in the Redflex Contract along with some garden variety payroll fraud, and of course the … Continue reading “The truth emerges. Steve Theriot's lawsuit against the Blogosphere is continued retaliation against Anne Marie Vandenweghe. Slabbed was there from the beginning and now can tell the story. (Corrected)”

Pigs love mud and the greedy little piggies at West Jefferson Medical Center are in up to their necks. Slabbed unifies Whitmer, Lagniappe, the Hospital and River Birch Landfill.

“I can unequivocally state that all members of the administration of West Jefferson Medical Center were shocked to learn of the involvement of both Mr. Coulon and Mr. Whitmer in this insurance scandal” – Peter Butler Jr to WWL TV’s Paul Murphy. As Nowdy joked offline in our informal editorial board round robin today, “the population of Jefferson … Continue reading “Pigs love mud and the greedy little piggies at West Jefferson Medical Center are in up to their necks. Slabbed unifies Whitmer, Lagniappe, the Hospital and River Birch Landfill.”

Jefferson Parish Corruption the way Daddy still does it. Dumpster dived Jimmy Lawson and the ‘Heebe’-Jeebies. A look back at Steimle & Associates v Camp Dresser McKee.

Anyone keeping up with the recent commentary on the unfolding Jeferson Parish Political Corruption Scandal understands exactly how far reaching the systemic corruption extends. We’re holding lots of information for publication including some very early information we received from a concerned citizen on the way things were done in Jefferson Parish circa the late 1980’s and … Continue reading “Jefferson Parish Corruption the way Daddy still does it. Dumpster dived Jimmy Lawson and the ‘Heebe’-Jeebies. A look back at Steimle & Associates v Camp Dresser McKee.”