BREAKING: Steve Theriot and Jefferson Parish sue bloggers. Subpoenas information on Times Picayune commenters. Slabbed mentioned in suit not subpoeaned.

Folks Jefferson Parish President Steve Theriot has made the mother of all miscalculations since assuming the reins as interim Parish President in his sanctioned “Strategic lawsuit against public participation” (SLAPP) filed Friday against John Does 1-100 complete with subpoena for commenter information from the Times Picayune. Slabbed, of course plays a special role in this, one I will explore … Continue reading “BREAKING: Steve Theriot and Jefferson Parish sue bloggers. Subpoenas information on Times Picayune commenters. Slabbed mentioned in suit not subpoeaned.”

How about a bit of housekeeping

I’ve been out and about with the day job without much time to post of late and though I haven’t heard from Nowdy I suspect she’s been busy with the disaster in Central Mississippi while everyone around these parts is watching an epic environmental disaster unfold with the blowout explosion of the BP Deepwater Horizon, resulting loss … Continue reading “How about a bit of housekeeping”

Thursday Music. Special dedication to Scott, Dominick and Craig plus Norma, Newell, Paul and the rest of the enablers

Hell hath no fury than an Sop forced to attend the funeral of a 5 year old girl killed by a drunk driver. Welcome to the Warren suite here at the Inn and to paraphrase the Inn’s chief concierge Boudreaux, Vous êtes des ordures réel. Va te faire f*%tre! [youtube=]

Slabbed again visits the topic of drunk driving as we tie a few things together. Craig Codina meet Scott Walker.

Driving under the influence has been very topical of late here on Slabbed as we’ve ended up with a series of posts that began with Jim Brown’s January 12, 2010 column on Louisiana’s dysfunctional DWI laws, continuing with our examination of why DWI enforcement in Jefferson Parish Louisiana stink as we examined the case of Craig Codina, a … Continue reading “Slabbed again visits the topic of drunk driving as we tie a few things together. Craig Codina meet Scott Walker.”

Signals that former Jefferson Parish Attorney Tom Wilkinson is going down

Drew Broach at the Times Picayune has the details: Five days after his brother quit as chief attorney for Jefferson Parish government, amid a federal criminal investigation of Parish President Aaron Broussard’s administration, U.S. Magistrate Judge Jay Wilkinson disqualified himself from presiding over all criminal cases in federal court, according to court records released today. … Continue reading “Signals that former Jefferson Parish Attorney Tom Wilkinson is going down”

“How con-VEEN-ient” – Representative Pugh joins Senator Martiny on the dark side with amendment to Louisiana open records law

Email messages readers are sending to SLABBED indicate Louisiana citizens want more transparency not less.  The most recent message contained a link to the blog forgotston and news that reports Rep. Steve Pugh, R-Ponchatoula, has joined Jefferson Parish’s Senator Martiny on the dark side with an amendment to Louisiana open records law: Rep. Steve Pugh, … Continue reading ““How con-VEEN-ient” – Representative Pugh joins Senator Martiny on the dark side with amendment to Louisiana open records law”

More heat needed? SLABBED turns it up a notch in update on Jefferson Parish public records law proposal

Wouldn’t you know –  the Times Picayune published Public records law proposal in Jefferson losing momentum after SLABBED  posted Young at heart – well, not exactly, but… Jefferson Parish felt the heat, Young claims to have seen the light on Public Records – and it’s too big a story for an update. Among the many things … Continue reading “More heat needed? SLABBED turns it up a notch in update on Jefferson Parish public records law proposal”

Slabbed joins the Louisiana public records battle and welcomes career politician and stooge Danny Martiny to the Do Slabb Inn. (The “Warren” executive suite, extra nice)

I have an inbox have full of emails and we’ve had more than a few comments here on the recent attempt of the political class in Jefferson Parish to substantially weaken the Louisiana Public Records law. This is typical behavior for the cockroaches in government over at the Yenni Building and State Senator Martiny has plenty … Continue reading “Slabbed joins the Louisiana public records battle and welcomes career politician and stooge Danny Martiny to the Do Slabb Inn. (The “Warren” executive suite, extra nice)”

Another turd floats to the surface of the Jefferson Parish Government cesspool.

Val Bracy at Fox 8 adds the law firm of Burglass and Tankersley to that Tim Whitmer double-dealing insurance-corruption woodpile. the report also had this interesting quip: A search of Whitmer’s parish e-mail showed that he sold insurance to several parish contractors, and also hired then Parish President Aaron Broussard to find him clients. sop

Rotten eggs in the bunny-basket of news – Allstate, River Birch, Chinese Drywall plus a sniff of Congress…

Better check the eggs carefully this year! If the news thus far this weekend is any indication, a sniff test is needed. Allstate tossed a rotten egg at Commissioner Chaney. Allstate is again asking for an increase in homeowners’ insurance rates. “They’re not going to get a 44 percent increase unless the court gives it … Continue reading “Rotten eggs in the bunny-basket of news – Allstate, River Birch, Chinese Drywall plus a sniff of Congress…”