Conducting the peoples business in the shadows: JEDCO case illustrates how business is conducted in Jefferson Parish

That’s right folks, in proverbial smoke filled rooms paid for by the taxpayers but for which serve the self interest of the politically connected. I mention this because Paul Purpura has the skinny on Judge Glenn Ansardi blowing a bunch of smoke about whether private citizens using public accommodation such as email servers to conduct private … Continue reading “Conducting the peoples business in the shadows: JEDCO case illustrates how business is conducted in Jefferson Parish”

Gotta give both Fred Heebe and the Wino their due….

I’m certain the Wino would tell you I give her too much credit but folks Slabbed’s deep throat source on all things Jefferson Parish has hung some skins on the wall and then some.  I mention this because back in March when Fred Heebe filed a defamation suit against Assistant US Attorney Sal Perricone the Wino … Continue reading “Gotta give both Fred Heebe and the Wino their due….” gets reaction from Attorney Joe Bruno on the 5th Circuit tossing Katrina Canal Breaches: “This is politics, not law.”

In fact here is the exact quote via This ruling is obscenely obnoxious. It’s as though the panel said in March that a red light is red, and supplied an abundance of reasons and precedents that the red light is red. But now, the panel says the red light is green, and says it … Continue reading “ gets reaction from Attorney Joe Bruno on the 5th Circuit tossing Katrina Canal Breaches: “This is politics, not law.””

The greater Slabbed Nation shares many things in common……

Liberal, conservative, black, white, red, yellow or any other way we divide ourselves everyone is mortal or in the vernacular of the big screen “death comes to us all”. I mention this not to ruin any weekends for those readers that prefer to not think about such things but one of our readers is terminally … Continue reading “The greater Slabbed Nation shares many things in common……”

Coverage on the come? USAA denies coverage in the case of the doughnut glazed dress

After all folks, had they sent an adjuster to Judy Barrasso’s place, such certainly would have surfaced on finer claims adjusting blogs like our friend Deb over at Dimechimes Claims Mentor.  I’ll add we’ve retained a good number of our old insurance industry based readers including Claims Guy, who no longer comments in favor of … Continue reading “Coverage on the come? USAA denies coverage in the case of the doughnut glazed dress”

“The Almighty says this must be a fashionable fight. It’s drawn the finest people.” Well maybe they’re not all ‘fine’ as Slabbed updates its SPEECH Act case against the Goatherders at Trout Point Lodge

They need to go into whatever Mississippi county court Slabbed is domiciled in. By doing so, they also opent themselves up to a reconventional demand for filing a frivolous lawsuit and any other sanction a state court may deem appropriate. How in the world are these bufoons going to find local counsel? Are they going to represent … Continue reading ““The Almighty says this must be a fashionable fight. It’s drawn the finest people.” Well maybe they’re not all ‘fine’ as Slabbed updates its SPEECH Act case against the Goatherders at Trout Point Lodge”

He comes from a “long line of corruptors”: Slabbed truth checks Sal Perricone’s assertions about grand jury target Fred Heebe.

The case: Kern v K-Mart The Judge: Frederick JR Heebe Lawyer for Kern: Former Heebe Law Clerk Kyle Shonekas and Claude Lightfoot Lawyers for K-Mart: King Krebs Jurgans, Milling Benson Woodward and others Key ruling: Docket #84, Plaintiff’s objection to impeachment video of Kern sustained. K-Mart claims video clearly shows plaintiff vastly overstated the extent … Continue reading “He comes from a “long line of corruptors”: Slabbed truth checks Sal Perricone’s assertions about grand jury target Fred Heebe.”

Friday Links

Just Swimming Around: OR…Just who’s Cesspool is this anyway? ~ Ignatius Jeff Reilly (That guy appears to knows way more than he lets on. 😉 Must read) Where the donations are going ~ Jason @ American Zombie Bay St. Louis police investigating possible murder ~ Donna Harris Mississippi high court: Pardons are valid – Holbrook Mohr … Continue reading “Friday Links”

EEEeeeeuuuu! Southaven Mayor Greg Davis leaves a bad taste in the taxpayer’s mouth. Why a politician’s personal life matters.

I know most of the story and may know the whole story. This is not a surprise to most,if he does his job well, what business is it of yours what he does on his private time. I may not agree with what he is doing, but there have been times others have not agreed with … Continue reading “EEEeeeeuuuu! Southaven Mayor Greg Davis leaves a bad taste in the taxpayer’s mouth. Why a politician’s personal life matters.”

The Office of Disciplinary Counsel is right to seek permanent disbarment for former Judge Benge: An Imaangry guest post

I read the op-ed piece by James Gill the other day with some amusement. It was certainly a case of Mr. Gill trying to make the case for an apples vs. oranges comparison. But in this case, the subjects of his piece, former Judges Joan Benge and Hunter King, were both apples – bad ones. The … Continue reading “The Office of Disciplinary Counsel is right to seek permanent disbarment for former Judge Benge: An Imaangry guest post”