James Gill again takes soon to be former Judge Tom Porteous to the woodshed.

Folks once again James Gill shows why he is one of the best opinion columnist in the south. Here is a snippet from today’s piece on the continuing Porteous saga: With a convicted felon on one hand, and Jefferson Parish judges on the other, there’s no way of figuring out who is telling the truth. … Continue reading “James Gill again takes soon to be former Judge Tom Porteous to the woodshed.”

We forgot to mention yesterday we had a copy of the fee letter from Mole to Gardner in the Porteous impeachment case.

We have some friends that have friends…..well you guys know, we have sources in some amazing places.  🙂 Our newer readers should start with Whitmergate’s post yesterday which dealt with Joseph Mole’s testimony in the House impeachment proceedings against Federal Judge Tom Porteous.  Judge Tom liked to tote water for big businesses such as Rowan Drilling … Continue reading “We forgot to mention yesterday we had a copy of the fee letter from Mole to Gardner in the Porteous impeachment case.”

Amazing "Grace" leads us home to "Porteous, his secretary and various New Orleans judicial miscreant activities"

Federal Judge Thomas Porteous, his secretary, and various New Orleans judicial miscreant activities is reproduced in total with a tip of the SLABBED hat to Law and Grace: U.S. Atty. Jim Letten, must be proud of doctoring the facts and evidence from the “Operation Wrinkled Robe” / Gretna Louisiana Courthouse / Bail Bonds Unlimited scandals … Continue reading “Amazing "Grace" leads us home to "Porteous, his secretary and various New Orleans judicial miscreant activities"”

Did Dick do it? Slabbed examines the case of Turner v Pleasant, Dick Chopin and Tom Porteous.

With a hat tip to a Slabbed reader I was sent a link to a new twist on an old case, Turner v Pleasant that was presided over by impeached (but not yet convicted) LAED Judge Tom Porteous. I hope the Slabbed Nation joins me in welcoming lawyer Dick Chopin here as we begin with a story by Michelle … Continue reading “Did Dick do it? Slabbed examines the case of Turner v Pleasant, Dick Chopin and Tom Porteous.”

House voting on Porteous Impeachment

Sop was one step ahead and watching on C-SPAN when he caught the Times Picayune story: Thomas Porteous impeachment vote scheduled for today: The U.S. House of Representatives is scheduled to vote today on whether to impeach New Orleans U.S. District Judge Thomas Porteous. On Jan. 27, the House Judiciary Committee unanimously approved four articles … Continue reading “House voting on Porteous Impeachment”

Nowdy and Sop tidy up the links – Whitmergate cleans house with tell-all transcript from November 17 hearing on impeachment of Federal Judge Tom Porteous

Blog-keeping is like having a second home and Sop and I have a “to do” list a mile long.  Today, I scratched off a few of the links we’ve had on the list for some time and we welcome to the linked list of Law three Mississippi law blogs: Will Bardwell’s Attorney at Blog; Phillip … Continue reading “Nowdy and Sop tidy up the links – Whitmergate cleans house with tell-all transcript from November 17 hearing on impeachment of Federal Judge Tom Porteous”

House Judiciary Task Force issues Articles of Impeachment of Judge Thomas Porteous – next step full Committee vote UPDATED

The Articles of Impeachment were issued following a meeting of a Task Force of the House Judiciary Committee (see: Memorandum). Yesterday’s Times Picayune reported on the pending action.  UPDATE UPDATE: Title revised to more accurately reflect today’s events; link to related story in Times Picayune added.

That 24th JDC Division D race will be the death of me as the ghosts of Operation Wrinkled Robe haunt the race

I’ve been trying to stay away from the coming judicial elections in Jefferson Parish since Julie Quinn quit the Division D race a few months ago as the candidates did not excite me much nor did I see many clear cut choices. That is, until John Sudderth announced he would run in Division D. If you … Continue reading “That 24th JDC Division D race will be the death of me as the ghosts of Operation Wrinkled Robe haunt the race”

There is an unmistakable buzz in the air……

There are a few of you guys that date back with me all the way to Yahoo Finance that read this including occasional commenters Steve and Russell, who also now runs his own  blog plus many more that have been with me here on Slabbed for a bit over 3 years. Post by post and comment by … Continue reading “There is an unmistakable buzz in the air……”