Lee Zurik again tackles favoritism in Jefferson Parish Government getting reaction from Chris “Mini-me” Roberts on John Young’s former secretary.

Ok folks two reporters go to a house to research a tip the house has a leaky faucet that wastes some water.  When they arrive they find the house engulfed in flames.  One reporter immediately files a report there is a major house fire in town.  The other writes a story about the leaky faucet…… This is … Continue reading “Lee Zurik again tackles favoritism in Jefferson Parish Government getting reaction from Chris “Mini-me” Roberts on John Young’s former secretary.”

We have a Slabb-o-gram for Lee Zurich

Girod Jackson? Oh yeah we know him well.  IMHO he is cut from the same cloth as Byron Lee, Derrick Sheperd, Cedric Richmond and that clique of corrupt politicians. Fertile ground for certain Lee though following Girod and the money will probably lead you back to Team Ward/Heebe. How funny that a guy who can’t seem to … Continue reading “We have a Slabb-o-gram for Lee Zurich”

Oops, did Silly Wabbit Bryon Lee get caught with hand in cookie jar – WDSU reports “Check records missing in Jefferson Parish”

From: LToups Sent: Tuesday, October 19/ 2010 1:22 PM Cc: Antoinette Scott; KSchrieffer; KGriffin; Maxcine Charles; LStockstiH; GBolotte Subject: Missing Check Copies This morning, l looked for check # 961200 made payable to Thompson Thibodeaux Community Development Organization for a $100,000 CEA and it is missing. This check copy was not missing when our summer workers … Continue reading “Oops, did Silly Wabbit Bryon Lee get caught with hand in cookie jar – WDSU reports “Check records missing in Jefferson Parish””

Le’ Nouveau Construction debarred from Jefferson Parish Contracting

This story and Slabbed’s coverage of it go way back to late 2010. Chad Calder at the New Orleans Advocate has the latest: Jefferson ethics panel urges company be banned from parish work On the topic of whether Mississippi or Louisiana is the most corrupt state in the union my money would be on Louisiana … Continue reading “Le’ Nouveau Construction debarred from Jefferson Parish Contracting”

Indictment rumors are swirling in Jefferson Parish

Like chootin’ fish in a barrel folks.  Here are the areas people are talking about. The Housing Authority checks in as number 1.  Ben Myers wrote a piece for NOLA.com a week or so back that touches on several areas of interest. Number 2 is Thompson Thibodeaux Community Development Corp., a story that Slabbed helped pioneer and … Continue reading “Indictment rumors are swirling in Jefferson Parish”

I thought Halloween was last week…..

Just when you thought the news cycle had gotten too quiet: Perricone turns the page, pens New Orleans novel ~ WDSU via Editilla Nowdy sends the following with a note that ol’ Doug knew something very few other folks in MIssissippi did but I’m invoking Rule 301. 😉 School Board member: Hank Bounds can ‘sell … Continue reading “I thought Halloween was last week…..”

The long fabled Thompson/Thibodeaux Community Development Corporation Investigative Audit Released….

Last week the Louisiana Legislative Auditor released its report related to the reasons Anatola Thompson resigned from her Parish of Jefferson job, a story Slabbed broke back in September. Tom literally let the cat outta the bag last month at the Parish Council meeting, after being prevented from doing same by being forcibly removed from … Continue reading “The long fabled Thompson/Thibodeaux Community Development Corporation Investigative Audit Released….”

Meantime in Louisiana nary is heard a discouraging word……..

Illinois gaming officials show Louisiana video poker mogul the door ~ Joseph Ryan, Chicago Tribune 7/20/12 Video poker protections questioned ~ Joseph Ryan, Chicago Tribune 10/6/13 But in the denial of one application, court records show the Gaming Board took issue with the criminal record of one of (Nicky) Nichols’ Illinois partners and Nichols’ association … Continue reading “Meantime in Louisiana nary is heard a discouraging word……..”

Jefferson Parish Community Development Director Anatola Thompson resigns (UPDATED)

And folks my sources are telling me she is not leaving the Parish under blue sky conditions. In fact the betting money is on…. All eyes on officialdom next week.  I know more but that is all I can say about this topic for now. (h/t Anonymous) Here are a few recent and not so … Continue reading “Jefferson Parish Community Development Director Anatola Thompson resigns (UPDATED)”