Why do people confess to crimes they didn’t commit? (a repost from SLABBED archives)

Prosecutors wield tremendous power, which is kept in check by a set of unique ethical obligations. In explaining why prosecutors sometimes fail to honor these multiple and arguably divergent obligations, scholars tend to fall into two schools of thought. The first school focuses upon institutional incentives that promote abuses of power. These scholars implicitly treat … Continue reading “Why do people confess to crimes they didn’t commit? (a repost from SLABBED archives)”

A mind is like a parachute. If it doesn’t open, you’re f#@%*d!

If you’ve wondered why there are differing perspectives about the factual basis of litigation, find the cord to your parachute and open your mind to Harvard Law’s Project on Law and Mind Sciences and situationism. Situationism is premised on the social scientific insight that the naïve psychology—that is, the highly simplified, affirming, and widely held … Continue reading “A mind is like a parachute. If it doesn’t open, you’re f#@%*d!”

Slabbed Daily Weekend Edition: Who else is reading “the untouchables”????

Mel flattered us with the comment he made last night with us. We hope to live up to the standards of the legend. We are blessed with a diverse readership and our willingness to host pretty much all viewpoints from people from all walks of life makes us an interesting laboratory for those whose interests are scientifically motivated … Continue reading “Slabbed Daily Weekend Edition: Who else is reading “the untouchables”????”

Evidence of criminal wrongdoing cannot be a trade secret – Rigsbys answer State Farm’s Counterclaim

Evidence of criminal wrongdoing – documents which are the utensils through which a crime is committed – cannot be a trade secret. Sop’s excellent post on behavioral economics provides the contextual frame for the Rigsbys’ Answer to State Farm’s Amended Counterclaim seeking Summary Judgment for Retaliatory Discharge. From that perspective, we start with the Conclusion: … Continue reading “Evidence of criminal wrongdoing cannot be a trade secret – Rigsbys answer State Farm’s Counterclaim”