Get off high horse about "those people" who didn't evacuate

In a perfect world, everyone in Ike’s path would have evacuated; but, the world is far from perfect as the story of Margaret Winters illustrates – although those on a “high horse” about people like Ms. Winter are riding too far above reality to see the imperfect world some couldn’t escape in spite of the … Continue reading “Get off high horse about "those people" who didn't evacuate”

Milking the latest Moultrie motions

You definitely read about it here first – and days ago – but… yesterday Patsy Brumfield had the story on the latest motions in USA v Moultrie in the Daily Journal… but… that was before Sop’s post on the subpoena of Carothers allegedly issued after Moultrie’s defense had ex parte contact with the Judge …and … Continue reading “Milking the latest Moultrie motions”

Meanwhile Aboard General O’Dell’s Goodship Lollypop…..

The short timer Hurricane Recovery Chief trumpets the return of housing stock to the Gulf Coast. Ummm. General are you forgetting something? Sheila Byrd at the AP has the story for the Clarion Ledger: The new federal hurricane recovery chief says the amount of housing on the Mississippi Gulf Coast is near pre-Katrina levels, but … Continue reading “Meanwhile Aboard General O’Dell’s Goodship Lollypop…..”

The Sun Herald Reports on the Gulfport Library

As posted yesterday on slabbed the library group We the People were very pleased with the Landmark designation decision made by the State Department of Archives and History. There are still many hurdles ahead but yesterday’s news represents a big step. Melissa Scallan reports yesterday’s developments for the Sun Herald in a story that also … Continue reading “The Sun Herald Reports on the Gulfport Library”

Perdigao v Adams & Reese: Robert Wooley You Magnificent Bastard, Welcome to Slabbed

Our readers may remember Weiss v Allstate attorney Richard Trahant occasionally stops in to chat with us. Today, he dropped by with the mother of all tips, the case of Perdiago v Adams & Reese L.L.P. et al filed Tuesday in New Orleans which we have added to our legal pages. This is a very long post but … Continue reading “Perdigao v Adams & Reese: Robert Wooley You Magnificent Bastard, Welcome to Slabbed”

Siegelman appeals with “powerful and unique” argument on quid pro quo

Hats off the legal defense team for the former Alabama Governor and a hat tip to the White Collar Crime  Prof blog for pointing out the significance of the argument on quid pro quo – the basis for USA v Scruggs and a key factor in USA v Moutrie as well. The first argument in … Continue reading “Siegelman appeals with “powerful and unique” argument on quid pro quo”

The News and the Muses Come to Me. A Quick Hello to the Library Group

Finally I finish my posting frenzy by acknowledging it is burying Nowdy’s excellent Facts and Assumtions entry which I highly encourage our visitors to read and comment upon. However I find myself compelled to mention today’s Sun Herald story on the Gulfport library. I’ll borrow Sid Salter’s phrase “editorial wood” to describe slabbed’s registration of displeasure on the mixture of the … Continue reading “The News and the Muses Come to Me. A Quick Hello to the Library Group”

the intersection of federal $$$$ as the basis for prosecuting on honest services -from SLABBED archives May 18,2008 – Revisiting the Indictment in USA v Scruggs

In the interest of we’re all in this together, I recently re-read the indictment in USA v Scruggs. However, it wasn’t until I re-read the Motion to Dismiss filed by the Defense on counts 2, 3, and 4 and the Government’s response, that I began to understand the implied authority in these counts that gave … Continue reading “the intersection of federal $$$$ as the basis for prosecuting on honest services -from SLABBED archives May 18,2008 – Revisiting the Indictment in USA v Scruggs”

What a way to skin a cat (bond)

I was wandering around cyberspace when I found this interesting bit of information here; so, come wander with me and see where we end up. The Dallas, San Antonio and Austin Courts of Appeals have adopted the “manifestation rule” in holding that property damage occurs at the time the damage manifests, which they further define … Continue reading “What a way to skin a cat (bond)”