Breaking: The Jefferson Parish political establishment throws Karen Parker Broussard under the bus

Paul Rioux has this breaking story: Former Jefferson Parish President Aaron Broussard’s ex-wife has been fired from her $65,000 parish job as a paralegal supervisor. The announcement came after revelations that Karen Parker, who divorced Broussard in October, actually worked in another department processing parish ID cards, a job that has a $43,000 salary cap. … Continue reading “Breaking: The Jefferson Parish political establishment throws Karen Parker Broussard under the bus”

Channel 4 explores Broussard curatorships and makes more connections on the double dealing in Jefferson Parish Government

Last month we highlighted the first investigative report on three judges in Jefferson Parish with a penchant for giving former Parish President Broussard legal work as a curator while he was serving as Parish President. Bigad Shaban at Channel 4 has kicked things up a notch by focusing in on one judge, Glen Ansardi and frankly the stench emanating from the hive … Continue reading “Channel 4 explores Broussard curatorships and makes more connections on the double dealing in Jefferson Parish Government”

There is a Broussard in the woodpile: The politics of drunk driving and the Jefferson Parish criminal justice system

It was in the fall of 2006 that I attended my second funeral for a person killed in an accident involving a drunk driver but this time it was extra tough as the victim was a 5 year old girl that was killed on US Highway 98 in Marion County when a drunk driver rammed into … Continue reading “There is a Broussard in the woodpile: The politics of drunk driving and the Jefferson Parish criminal justice system”

How about a morning cup of Jefferson Parish Political Corruption. Aaron Broussard and his property in Nova Scotia in the news again

I’ve got a post coming which should tie a few things together for our readers but first we need to catch up (and I need to get on the road) and Richard Rainey at the Times Picayune posted a story late Friday which does just that plus puts he the paper on firmer ground regarding Broussard’s land holdings … Continue reading “How about a morning cup of Jefferson Parish Political Corruption. Aaron Broussard and his property in Nova Scotia in the news again”

The Times Picayune retracts their reporting on Aaron Broussard’s alleged ownership of Trout Point Lodge

H/T to a reader. The problem the Picyaune has IMHO is they correctly tied several players together but stepped out a bit in identifying former Jefferson Parish President Broussard as an owner of that specific piece of property in Nova Scotia. As I think we demonstrated Mr Broussard has ties to the area but ties does not … Continue reading “The Times Picayune retracts their reporting on Aaron Broussard’s alleged ownership of Trout Point Lodge”

About Aaron Broussard’s purported ownership of Trout Point Lodge (Updated)

Ok folks I’m sitting on around 10 posts worth of tips without alot of time to publish anything but I saw the Times Picayune ran a correction to yesterday’s story that dealt with former Jefferson parish President Aaron Broussard’s reported ownership in a Nova Scotia luxury vacation lodge that he allegedly rented to parish venders. Let’s start … Continue reading “About Aaron Broussard’s purported ownership of Trout Point Lodge (Updated)”

Breaking: Broussard Reversed by 5th Circuit. Sent Back for New Trial (Updated 2X)

Here is the today’s full Sun Herald story by Anita Lee. The 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals threw out a $1 million punitive damages verdict against State Farm Fire and Casualty Co. on Monday and sent the case back to federal court in Gulfport for a jury to determine how much the company owes Biloxi policyholders … Continue reading “Breaking: Broussard Reversed by 5th Circuit. Sent Back for New Trial (Updated 2X)”

Requiem for the Super 8 Motel Legal Department

Last week I received a heads up that Slabbed’s mortal enemy Daniel “Danny” Abel had died after being struck by a car in a hit and run just before Christmas last year. One would have to imagine the range of emotions that one experiences under such circumstances. I was on someone else’s dime however and … Continue reading “Requiem for the Super 8 Motel Legal Department”

Former pastor of St Clare makes the Jackson diocese sexual abusers list

I remember as a child nick naming him Father Falstaff. If I remember right, St Clare was George Broussard’s last stop before leaving the priesthood. It appears he also was pastor over at St John’s in Gulfport before coming to Waveland. 17 Catholic priests named as accused sex abusers in Jackson diocese ~ Sarah Fowler … Continue reading “Former pastor of St Clare makes the Jackson diocese sexual abusers list”