Lusty Lawyer’s Law License Suspended for a Year and a Day

As Slabbed starts its 12th year online the subject of one of our most trafficked topics is back in the news cycle, likely for the last time: New Orleans lawyer who pleaded with cabbie for sex has law license suspended ~ The NOLA Advocate Advocate staff writes a good story as it cleans up all … Continue reading “Lusty Lawyer’s Law License Suspended for a Year and a Day”

Lusty lawyers gone wild: Another twist in the case of the Cabbie and Lusty Lawyer (Updated)

And once again it was Slabbed’s community of crack internet sleuths that signaled the prosecution may have a problem 9 months ago: His parting comment, which I saw/heard in an unedited version of the video, changes what I thought happened here. Also, a comment on nola, from someone who seems to know, says the cab … Continue reading “Lusty lawyers gone wild: Another twist in the case of the Cabbie and Lusty Lawyer (Updated)”

Slabbed solves the mystery of the lusty lawyer and perverted cabbie (Updated)

Mark writes: Talk about trying to hide your identity. Have the sleuths on slabbed figure out who this 32 year old “single mother, lawyer and the host of a local radio show” is? Taxi driver shoots lewd video of customer in cab, then tries extortion, cops say ~ Helen Freund And of course in the … Continue reading “Slabbed solves the mystery of the lusty lawyer and perverted cabbie (Updated)”

Election 2015 | A Dirty Job but someone has to cover it

Just like having to flesh out the local porn scene, an extorting Tranny or lusty lawyers gone wild, covering elections in the name of public interest journalism can be a downright distasteful business.

With the events of this past week here on the coast….

Given the stunning events here on the Coast this week one would naturally think that one of the recent posts on the Singing River disaster or the William Martin indictment would be the major site traffic generator this week here on Slabbed but that is not the case. Simply put when one media outlet leaves … Continue reading “With the events of this past week here on the coast….”

From the reader mailbag: What is Slabbed.Org?

Actually, it from a newbie Google search string from here on the Coast  rather than actual reader mail. I can answer that question, well kinda anyway. First off Slabbed.Org occasionally reports a story and in the process becomes your worst nightmare. (you guys know who you are) That said my purpose is to accurately tell whatever … Continue reading “From the reader mailbag: What is Slabbed.Org?”

Records are meant to be broken……(Updated)

Folks, thanks to a shout out from Bubba the Love Sponge, it appears the case of the lusty lawyer and cabbie may just has shattered the Slabbed site traffic records now previously associated with the LSU Sorority girl turned amature porn star. We had so much site traffic on this post that at one point this morning … Continue reading “Records are meant to be broken……(Updated)”

Because he is a faithful man: Hervey Farrell sues the City of New Orleans and former radio show host Jennifer Gaubert

Folks there was one media outlet that called the case of the lusty radio show host and cabbie from the jump and that would be Slabbed New Media and we even have the victory lap to show for it. After that victory lap I was given further information on lusty lawyer Jenn Gaubert that, if … Continue reading “Because he is a faithful man: Hervey Farrell sues the City of New Orleans and former radio show host Jennifer Gaubert”


In traditional Chinese culture, qi (also chi or ch’i) is an active principle forming part of any living thing. Qi is frequently translated as “natural energy”, “life force”, or “energy flow”. Qi is the central underlying principle in traditional Chinese medicine and martial arts. The literal translation of “qi” is “breath”, “air”, or “gas”. Concepts … Continue reading “Chi”

Excuse me while I take a victory lap………(Updated)

Slabbed solves the mystery of the lusty lawyer and perverted cabbie (Updated) ~ Slabbed 8/21/13 Tables turn on lawyer who accused cabbie of extortion ~ John Simerman She declined to discuss the case Monday, referring questions to her attorney, Buddy Spell, who said that “a comment at this juncture would be premature.” Update Woman accused … Continue reading “Excuse me while I take a victory lap………(Updated)”