The Sun Herald and Anita Lee slabs Mississippi Insurance Commish Chaney and the insurance bastards at Liberty Mutual

It doesn’t get much better than this as Sun Herald ace reporter Anita Lee slabs Mike Chaney for not telling the whole story about Safeco coming back to the coastal wind market here in Mississippi: When Mississippi Insurance Commissioner Mike Chaney announced earlier this week that Safeco Insurance would offer wind coverage to a limited number of … Continue reading “The Sun Herald and Anita Lee slabs Mississippi Insurance Commish Chaney and the insurance bastards at Liberty Mutual”

Evidence of bad faith is not a trade secret or highly confidential as Slabbed welcomes back the insurance bastards from Liberty Mutual.

Folks we have proof positive that alittle Slabbin’ coupled with sunshine makes a difference as yesterday, Liberty Mutual filed a motion to seal the evidence that we presented Monday regarding a policyholder in New Orleans that Liberty Mutual had arrested simply because the policyholder dared to filed a claim for the wind damage that Liberty Mutual promised to cover in their homeowners policy … Continue reading “Evidence of bad faith is not a trade secret or highly confidential as Slabbed welcomes back the insurance bastards from Liberty Mutual.”

Responsibility? Not the policy at Liberty Mutual. Hardball adjusting and litigation is more like it. Slabbed welcomes the insurance bastards from Massachusetts

My partner Nowdy is our resident law blogger and she has done a bang up job covering the insurance litigation here on Slabbed but a few evenings ago she sent me some documents from the Branch false claims act case that made my jaw drop. Operating under the assumption that a picture is worth a thousand words as … Continue reading “Responsibility? Not the policy at Liberty Mutual. Hardball adjusting and litigation is more like it. Slabbed welcomes the insurance bastards from Massachusetts”

Giving them the Feldman Part 1: Slabbed explores a few earlier cases involving the little guy versus big business in Louisiana's Eastern District Federal Courts as we tie in litigation against big oil to the post Katrina litigation against big insurance.

Everyone has heard the old saying that a leopard does not change its spots and like many idiomatic expressions that its roots in antiquity, it accurately describes the human condition. Judge Feldman’s latest interest conflicted ruling regarding the drilling moratorium and the intense interest therein has opened the flood gates of information flow from the Slabbed Nation.  It was a reader sending … Continue reading “Giving them the Feldman Part 1: Slabbed explores a few earlier cases involving the little guy versus big business in Louisiana's Eastern District Federal Courts as we tie in litigation against big oil to the post Katrina litigation against big insurance.”

Sop again reports on Ex Rel Branch, stock basher style…

Ladies and Gentlemen: Judge Sarah Vance has busted Allen Kanner’s balls badly as Ex Rel Branch has been dismissed. Nowdy will have the particulars with respect to the insurers named, Allstate in particular. The  Travelers and the insurance bastards at Liberty Mutual skate unscathed. sop

Bad Faith Insurers Safeco (Liberty Mutual) and Republic coming to scam coast residents.

Yesterday Mississippi Insurance Commissioner Mike Chaney was on cloud 9 floating over lala land as exhibited by his WLOX interview which covered the subjects of mitigation grants and Safeco.  From the interview it is clear he is sticking to his meme that he can foster competition in a small market in an industry with an anti trust exemption (the kool-aid … Continue reading “Bad Faith Insurers Safeco (Liberty Mutual) and Republic coming to scam coast residents.”

Gerald Nielsen, the NFIP Katrina and Sandy claims handling topical again here on Slabbed

The chickens are coming home to roost: FEMA Sets Up Review Process for Sandy Flood Claims ~ Insurance Journal In light of recent allegations that some insurers in the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) may have denied or rejected Superstorm Sandy flood damage claims based on falsified reports, the Federal Emergency Management Agency is now … Continue reading “Gerald Nielsen, the NFIP Katrina and Sandy claims handling topical again here on Slabbed”

And now a word from a major Slabbed sponsor, the taxpayers of Jefferson Parish

Hi guys. You folks may remember earlier this month I mentioned a thing or two about a massive public records request I sent late in the spring of this year. So according to the August, 2012 PRR report on file up on the 7th floor of the Yenni Building the taxpayers of Jefferson Parish invested over … Continue reading “And now a word from a major Slabbed sponsor, the taxpayers of Jefferson Parish”

streamlined or steamrolled – Judge Martin Feldman’s influence on Katrina litigation

Although I’d learned enough about “Who Dat” Judge Martin Feldman… to write the post, I’d found nothing to adequately explain how such an obviously bright man would embarrass himself with the errors he made in deciding Versai.  Credit for my increased understanding goes to the SLABBED reader who sent a link to reporter Kim Quillen’s … Continue reading “streamlined or steamrolled – Judge Martin Feldman’s influence on Katrina litigation”

hide-and-go-seek in Branch qui tam – and Liberty Mutual, you’re &#IT

96 – 97 – 98 – 99 -100!  Time to open your eyes Magistrate Shushan! Liberty Mutual is “It” and the game is hide-and-go-seek and see if Branch can find you.  Two new entries of the docket show how the game is played.  The first is an Order issued by Magistrate Shushan: Considering the foregoing … Continue reading “hide-and-go-seek in Branch qui tam – and Liberty Mutual, you’re &#IT”