The Office of Disciplinary Counsel is right to seek permanent disbarment for former Judge Benge: An Imaangry guest post

I read the op-ed piece by James Gill the other day with some amusement. It was certainly a case of Mr. Gill trying to make the case for an apples vs. oranges comparison. But in this case, the subjects of his piece, former Judges Joan Benge and Hunter King, were both apples – bad ones. The … Continue reading “The Office of Disciplinary Counsel is right to seek permanent disbarment for former Judge Benge: An Imaangry guest post”

Breaking: Jefferson Parish Judge Joan Benge removed from the bench

We covered Judge Benge’s legal troubles back in July in a post I think was one of Nowdy’s finest efforts. By all accounts Judge Benge is a decent jurist whose initial inexpereince on the bench lead her to make a terrible error in judgement. WWL radio New Orleans has the breaking story: The Louisiana Supreme Court has … Continue reading “Breaking: Jefferson Parish Judge Joan Benge removed from the bench”

Your circle of acquaintances gets larger but your circle of friends becomes smaller – with Judge Benge and Judge Delaughter on my mind

“While I admit that I tried to influence her decision in the Demma matter, I did not believe at the time that I had succeeded, and I still do not believe that Judge Benge was influenced,” Bodenheimer said in an affidavit filed with the state Supreme Court. As I was reading the Times Picayune update … Continue reading “Your circle of acquaintances gets larger but your circle of friends becomes smaller – with Judge Benge and Judge Delaughter on my mind”

Slabbed news miscellany: The news gods smile upon us.

So I got the music post up and was headed out the door to Buzzard’s Roost for a late Friday afternoon appointment when the phone rang and my appointment cancelled. Then Sock emailed me the link to a breaking story involving newly elected 24th Judicial District Judge Ray Steib, by all accounts a conservative guy, who … Continue reading “Slabbed news miscellany: The news gods smile upon us.”

One acronym fits it all folks: RICO. The Legislative Auditor report on Jefferson Parish finds probable payroll fraud.

Many months and resignations later, Louisiana Legislative Auditor Daryl Purpera has issued a report on the question of payroll fraud in the Jefferson Parish Attorney’s Office and the answer is yes Virginia, Aaron Broussard, Tom Wilkinson and Tim Whitmer are likely petty criminals that used the Parish’s payroll system to enrich relative and crony alike.  The media coverage … Continue reading “One acronym fits it all folks: RICO. The Legislative Auditor report on Jefferson Parish finds probable payroll fraud.”

I hate it when blogging gets in the way of work: Some transparency over at the Picayune sure would be nice.

Bunhare gets the hat tip in comments concerning a Brendon McCarthy story on a gun going off at Galatoire’s during lunch on Friday. The comments to the story identified the shooter as Louisiana State Senator Julie Quinn, current squeeze of Jefferson Parish President to be John Young.  I checked in on the story a time or two … Continue reading “I hate it when blogging gets in the way of work: Some transparency over at the Picayune sure would be nice.”

Mister Mumblelides can you spell your name for the record? A Porteous impeachment update.

I had several emails yesterday inquiring if I was going to do another Porteous post, especially in light of the evidently illuminating testimony of former Jefferson Parish DA John Mamoulides.  I did not find time to fit any blogging in yesterday but do have a bit of time today for this endeavor called Slabbed. Before I put … Continue reading “Mister Mumblelides can you spell your name for the record? A Porteous impeachment update.”

BREAKING: Steve Theriot and Jefferson Parish sue bloggers. Subpoenas information on Times Picayune commenters. Slabbed mentioned in suit not subpoeaned.

Folks Jefferson Parish President Steve Theriot has made the mother of all miscalculations since assuming the reins as interim Parish President in his sanctioned “Strategic lawsuit against public participation” (SLAPP) filed Friday against John Does 1-100 complete with subpoena for commenter information from the Times Picayune. Slabbed, of course plays a special role in this, one I will explore … Continue reading “BREAKING: Steve Theriot and Jefferson Parish sue bloggers. Subpoenas information on Times Picayune commenters. Slabbed mentioned in suit not subpoeaned.”

A few quick odds and end.

Nowdy emails me with news she is under the weather. I’ve been doing the work and soccer dad thing. I have around 15 hours of work on my desk and am booked solid all week thus time is short. Here are a couple of items that have been on my slabbed list: Jay Feinman’s book Delay Deny … Continue reading “A few quick odds and end.”