OK, it has come to my attention morale is low in the Slabbed Nation. A video reply…….

We could fight ’em with conventional weapons…..

[dailymotion id=xhr6fb]

10 thoughts on “OK, it has come to my attention morale is low in the Slabbed Nation. A video reply…….”

  1. ~ PERFECT ~

    The election returns are merely more tangible evidence that the system SUCKS!
    **** Chris Roberts is STILL a FAT SISSY BOY & Tom Capella is STILL a LOSER! ***

    Obviously the powers that be are just as irresponsible as the JP Administration & the result is the continuing undeserved, blatant & excessive disregard for the taxpayers.
    Resources are being wasted & criminals remain in office.

    I propose an organized plan of action.

    I realize that managing this task alone is beyond my capabilities, but I am willing to devote my time & energy to participate in a concerted effort.

    I’m just sayin’.

  2. Patricia, I agree. I think all of us who are fed up need to get in a chat together one day or exchange e-mails to discuss how we can recruit, and more importantly elect, a new slate in Jefferson Parish this October

  3. I say we CONFRONT the sons of bitches at their GOOFY ASS swearing in ceremony or circle jerk or whatever they call the oath of orifice?

    Or how about a petition?
    I expect that there are MANY MORE people who as disgusted as we are & …………really…WHO wants to go vote?
    They don’t serve beer or ANYTHING.
    The process is MEANT to be a uncomfortable inconvenience!

    I respect your suggestion & would be thrilled to meet, but waiting for another election….it’s sort of like putting gas in a car that doesn’t run?

  4. Haha I guess. We could go the recall route…
    We do need to make sure that people know that we can make a change, and the next election is the best time to do it. You really think Capella and Roberts will listen to protests? HAHAHA

  5. Spot on James. Robert, Capella, Lagasse, Young, Connick, Normand and the gang understand just a few things and protests are not one of them.

    One thing we can do is what we’ve been doing in educating the public by following the money. We’ve put on a Slabbapalooza here on the Gulf Coast for policyholder lawyers. Access to meeting space is the key. I’m open to doing something along those lines for our readers or publicizing an event from one of the good government groups like CFGG.

    Roberts was in debt late in the campaign and now he has to fund raise for this coming election in October. Very well could be someone was already waiting in the background to challenge Roberts in October. We’ll all know soon enough.


  6. Morale is low in my opinion because not enough people care. I see it every day with judges. I used to think judges were back-stops to unprofessional and unethical conduct by lawyers, but most of the time the judges let unprofessionalism just slide. They simply say “Why can’t you all get along?” As if the no good, piece of shit defense lawyer who objects to every single questions is even trying to “get along”.

    Or the magistrate who listens and watches as a witness perjures themself without beating an eye and then scolds the plaintiff’s lawyer for being too hard on the witness who is lying through their teeth.

    If most voters actually cared like the people on this site, this site would not be needed.

  7. It’s NOT about Roberts or Capella.
    It’s about humiliating them with the TRUTH & getting satisfaction from that.
    …personally & for the public.

    Don’t you think they’d ” TT on theyself” ” when confronted in front of others?
    If/when they would face the fact that their crimes are DOCUMENTED & irrefutable?

    We could call youtube & have them film it! (joke from “The Office”)

    A small group of thoughtful people could change the world. Indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.
    Margaret Mead

    Just sayin’.

  8. I have a dream….(and I’m also impatient, sometimes to my own detriment)

    Perish the thought that slabbed would not be needed.
    My dream is :
    instead of money, corporations & self-serving entities deciding elections, it would be forums like slabbed.

    Armed with the truth & the internet, IT WILL HAPPEN.

  9. Well, I agree with what many of the posters above have mentioned. However, I (along with a small group of people I’ve affiliated myself with -those wonderful M & M sisters and CfGG) have faithfully attended J.P. Council meetings for over 3 years now..moreover, the M & M’s have lead the CfGG movement with great vision and determination.

    But , sadly, only about a half dozen to possibly a dozen people show up at these J.P. Council meetings where we take on these Council goofball clowns…and, while we are given lip service by the Council clowns and the J.P. administration, they (council and J.P. admin) just sit back and smile to themselves because they know for the most part the majority of the J.P. sheeple are oblivious to what’s going on under their very noses by these crooks and, moreover, Council crooks and J.P. Admin know that the can continue to go about their personal agendas because most out here in J.P. feel that it does no good to fight city hall…just look at the small number of us that actually attend and speak out against these clowns.

    I truly had hoped that Leone would get into a run off with Crapella but , in looking at the results, the Jefferson Parish Machine is very much alive and well…and get just enough of their people out there to vote for their Machine candidates to keep them in office.

    Sadly, I don’t see much changing in Jefferson Parish. The wonderful M & M sisters still spear head efforts to call out these J.P. bozos but, overall, the bozos remain in power and the citizens of Jefferson Parish still suffer on…under their “leadership?”…

    and even more remarkable, Broussard, Whitmer, and Wilkinson remain OUT of jail..

  10. Both Roberts and Capella have signs up across the street from the courthouse on the westbank .

    Was this a polling place for the election ? If so, I believe this is a violation of election laws.

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