37 thoughts on “George Peterson, in his own words.”

  1. I have decided that this guy is an idiot. CFGG advances legitimate concerns and asks relevant questions. Just because you call yourself a "civic leader" 20-30 times in one speech doesn't make it so.

  2. oH mY GAWD….
    You can't even SEE the Puppet Strings….
    Sissy Crissy MUST have learned VENTRILOQUISM.
    How embarrassing.
    Nonsense, delivered in a piercing whine by a repressed homosexual…???
    I don't know…I KINDA LIKE IT!
    It gets me all puffy down there.

  3. George is not articulate at all, uneducated and repeats the same thing over and over. “I am a civic leader.” What have you done that qualifies you as a Parish Councilman? What is your educational background? What experience do you have? Then he wants to beat up on seniors, what a leader. George you are not qualified to be anyone’s Council person.

  4. Although I have never posted anything on Slabbed previously, I feel that as Vice-Chairman of Citizens for Good Governent I must respond to Mr. Peterson’s attack on our organization and its members in the Utube video in this post.

    Let me talk about the most recent problems that CFGG has had with Mr. Peterson. Although at the August 10th council meeting CFGG had spoken passionately in favor of Waste Management getting the contract to run our Jefferson Parish Landfill when Waste Management’s current contract expires in early 2013, Mr. Peterson’s RFP proposer of choice, IESI, was selected for the contract by the Jefferson Parish Council.

    It concerned us that although Waste Management had the highest overall evaluation by the Evaluation Committee, as well as from our independent evaluation, IESI nevertheless was selected by the Council unanimously and without discussion. At that council meeting Mr. Peterson spoke in favor of IESI and claimed that Waste Management and CDM, which has been paid by our government to monitor Waste Management’s operation of the Jefferson Parish landfill, were not doing an acceptable job.

    Although we were upset about the selection of IESI, we nevertheless felt obligated to determine if there was any legitimacy to Mr. Peterson’s complaints about Waste Management and CDM. The possibility that the citizens of Waggaman might be suffering because Waste Management was not doing an adequate job of running the Jefferson Parish landfill was of great concern to us, since they will be operating our dump for the next year and a half. We felt that if there was any substance to Mr. Peterson’s charges, then something had to be done to help the citizens of Waggaman.

    Since a representative of Waste Management had refuted many of Mr. Peterson’s charges, we felt that an investigation was necessary in order to determine the true facts of the case. We did, however, have some skepticism that ALL of Mr. Peterson’s charges could be valid, since three entities would have to be at fault—Waste Management, CDM, and our Jefferson Parish government.

    We therefore FAXED a four-page letter with the subject: “Citizens for Good Government needs an explanation for allegations regarding the Jefferson Parish Landfill” to Parish President John Young, Parish Attorney Deborah Foshee, Chief Operating Officer Chris Cox, Environmental Affairs Director Marnie Winter, Landfill Engineer Rick Buller, and Compliance and Ethics Officer Kim Chatelain.

    We received a detailed and thoughtful response from Landfill Engineer Rick Buller to the eleven questions which we asked in our letter, which were based on the complaints that Mr. Peterson and another man from Waggaman had made at the council meeting about the operation of our landfill. Although most of Mr. Buller’s responses were acceptable, we were not entirely satisfied with a few of his responses. However, in view of the fact that the River Birch Landfill receives three times as much garbage as is dumped into our Landfill, we found it difficult to believe that our Landfill was solely responsible for the odor problems which the citizens of Waggaman legitimately complain about.

    It was therefore our intention to continue our investigation and to try to meet with some of the people involved with running our Landfill and to inspect the Landfills ourselves, because we felt that if we could be convinced that our Landfill was not being run properly, then we would take up the cause of the citizens of Waggaman.

    However, at the August 31st council meeting, Mr. Peterson made an uncalled-for public attack on Citizens for Good Government because of the Campaign Contribution Reports we present at each Council meeting. At this meeting, he also made a public offer to take us on a tour of the River Birch and Jefferson Parish landfills. We would have been more than happy to take advantage of Mr. Peterson’s offer to take us on a tour of the Landfills, had he not publicly attacked us. After all, it was our intention to visit the landfills on our own.

    CFGG therefore decided that Mr. Peterson could not possibly want our assistance with Waggaman’s Landfill problems when he decided to malign us publicly, and we decided to concentrate our efforts on other issues of concern to us in working toward our goal of good government in Jefferson Parish. We decided that Mr. Peterson and his allies are capable of fighting for the cause of Waggaman without our help.

    Even after Mr. Peterson’s abusive public remarks about CFGG at the August 31st Council meeting, Chairman Margaret Baird spoke against a resolution authorizing Amendment No. 18 to the engineering agreement with Camp Dresser & McKee, Inc. for solid waste services at our Landfill in the amount of $435,300. We felt that approving another amendment to this contract could not be justified unless we could be convinced that CDM was currently doing a satisfactory job of monitoring Waste Management at our landfill, since Mr. Peterson had found serious fault with their monitoring. Mr. Peterson, however, did not speak against approving these additional funds for CDM.

    Then in Mr. Peterson’s response to the Slabbed article, “Acute Council Coulrophia Epidemic, Epicenter District 3: A Lockemuptight guest post,” he viciously attacked me and CFGG, and he made accusations against me and CFGG which were completely false and without merit. Furthermore, his charge that we have spread rumors about him are also false.

    In addition, Mr. Peterson has accused us of attacking him. However, until my last CFGG email UPDATE blast, in which I quoted one of his charges against me in the Slabbed article, as well as my rebuttal to this charge, I had never mentioned Mr. Peterson’s name negatively in ANY of CFGG’s many email UPDATEs. The only time we mentioned Mr. Peterson in any of our letters to Jefferson Parish officials was in our letter requesting the Parish to respond to Mr. Peterson’s charges concerning our Landfill.

    And the one and only time anyone from CFGG mentioned Mr. Peterson negatively at a Jefferson Parish Council meeting in the two years we have been attending these meetings was when Chairman Margaret Baird mentioned his name a SINGLE time when she spoke at the end of the September 21st Council meeting.

    The purpose of her statement was to let Mr. Peterson know why we didn’t take him up on his offer to tour the landfills, since she expected him to attack us again for this, as he had in the Slabbed article. Margaret used Mr. Peterson’s name exactly ONCE in her beginning remarks and then she said, “I was going out of town and I wanted to find time to do this [tour the landfills] because I thought it was important. And then I looked at the replay of the council meeting and it reminded me of how rude and vicious [his remarks about us were]. And I thought, I don’t want to do this. Let him do it.” She then continued with her speech about the Office of Inspector General.

    When Mr. Peterson spoke after Margaret spoke at this council meeting, he said, “I wasn’t going to come up here and say anything, but when Mrs. Baird decided that she had to attack me—yet again…” What is he talking about? The only negative spoken words CFGG has ever uttered publicly about Mr. Peterson was in Margaret’s explanation above at the council meeting for our decision not to take him up on his offer to take us on a tour of the landfills, because he had attacked us again at the previous council meeting. And this is what he called “an attack on him—yet again?”

    In his charges against us in his response to the Slabbed article, I guess Mr. Peterson has forgotten that both Margaret and I spoke in support of him and the citizens of Waggaman at council meetings last fall, when Councilman Byron Lee had directed almost $200,000 intended to benefit the citizens of Waggaman to the Jefferson Sports & Scholastic Foundation. I even spoke in support of having this money go to Waggaman in a Fox8-TV interview. By the way, this was the first time that I am aware of that this issue had come up a council meeting which we attended.

    I also sent out an email blast to our members and supporters entitled, “UPDATE: The citizens of Waggaman deserve better from Councilman Lee.” And by the way, Councilman Lee changed his mind about providing the $200,000 to the Jefferson Sports & Scholastic Foundation. Judging from Mr. Peterson’s ugly remarks about us in the Slabbed article, I guess he had a memory lapse about this issue.

    Finally, we believe that Mr. Peterson’s vicious public attack on Citizens for Good Government and our members at the September 21st council meeting was unconscionable and inexcusable, and we believe that the Utube video of his remarks at this meeting back up this contention.

    All of the actions which have been undertaken by Citizens for Good Government are intended to promote good government in Jefferson Parish. We have said that we do not take money from anyone, we don’t want any jobs, and we don’t want any favors. All we want is good government in Jefferson, without fraud, waste, and abuse, and we spend a great deal of time working toward that goal. If Mr. Peterson had not attacked and ridiculed us, his name would never have been mentioned by us in a negative way, and at that, his name has been mentioned in a negative way only once, and it was because of his attack on us.

  5. Is that John McCain in the audience?

    Honestly, this video is painful to endure…like fingernails on a blackboard.

    To George Peterson :

    I would like to know SPECIFICALLY What bothers you SO MUCH about the CFGG.

    Ramelli Group was charging $1,333.33 for cutting 66,000 square yards of property.
    CFGG Chairman Margaret Baird contacted Steve Theriot about the matter & he did NOT respond.
    So she contacted LEE ZURIK who measured the property & it was 8000 square feet.

    Is THAT the sort of thing you find BOTHERSOME?

    Chris Roberts Campaign Finance Report indicates that he received the maximum permissable $5,000 contribution from Gaudry, Ranson, Higgins & Gremillion but their affidavite reports that he received $7600.

    That really IRKS YA, doesn't it?

    Burk-Kleinpeter in their affidavit reported the following amounts contributed to Elton LAGASSE
    $5,000.00 on 03/30/09
    $1,000.00 on 09/29/09
    $2,500.00 on 11/10/10
    Councilman Lagasse's Campaign Finance Reports to the Ethics Board was the $5,000 maximum contribution.

    How about THIS?

    Margaret Baird & Margie Seeman have delivered intelligent, thorough & ACCURATE information & your motives are as despicable as your attacks on a couple of ELDERLY WOMEN!

    You are an insult to decency & a DISHONORABLE COWARD!

    Patricia Fournet

  6. I thought that you only got 3 minutes. The timer clearly shows Mr. Peterson had much longer than 3 minutes. Why didn't his BFF Chris Roberts cut him off as Roberts always cuts off others including the ladies from CFGG and interrupts anyone that disagrees with or challenges Roberts?

  7. It's funny to me that Mr. Peterson continues to tout himself as a "Community Leader" when, if you do a Google search of Byron Lee or Byron Lee Waggaman, many of the articles that come up are written by a fellow Kenner resident, Walt Bennetti. Now, I don't see Walt going around telling everyone that he's a "Community Leader in Waggaman" or Kenner for that matter (which he is). I know at one time both Mr. Peterson and Walt were on the same side of the Fat City and Byron Lee issues. It's interesting to me that one has apparently sold out and may win his Council election and the one that hasn't sold out may lose his election. I think that pretty much sums up how screwed up Jefferson Parish politics is and how screwed up it's citizens are that they can't tell the difference.

  8. George????

    The entire meeting was historic in respects folks. We're working the get the whole thing up on Youtube for our friends on the West Bank who inexplicably do not get to see the council meetings replayed on Cox.


  9. Yes, sop, I was out of the council chambers helping Mr David Homes who appeared before Miss Baird with his problems over his family property and Code Enforcement and when I come back I was told that Miss Baird attacked me at the podium. That is why I stated that I wasn't going to say anything.

    There are many facts that dispute Miss Seeman's claims above but the most glaring is the fact that the River Birch Settlement Fund had already expired in 2009 so Miss Seeman could not have been instrumental in stopping Byron Lee from taking $200,000 from the fund to put into his illicit non-profit.

  10. Below is a letter whereby CFGG alleged that the civic leaders who spoke before the parish council on August 10th "duped" the parish council. As you see the CFGG started this war with their lies and rumors. We will not sit idly by while these ladies try to hi-jack our parish gov't and subvert the truth in order to fulfill their own narcissistic needs for self-adoration and praise.

    From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]]
    Sent: Monday, August 29, 2011 8:29 AM
    To: DFoshee; RBuller
    Cc: JYoung; CRoberts; CCox; Heather Hilliard; MWinter
    Subject: Response to your response letter about the Jefferson Parish Landfill

    Ms. Deborah Foshee

    Parish Attorney

    Mr. Rick Buller

    Landfill Engineer

    Dear Ms. Foshee and Mr. Buller:

    Thank you for your response to our letter of August 14, 2011 with the subject: “Citizens for Good Government needs an explanation for allegations regarding the Jefferson Parish Landfill.” We are also appreciative of the answers to CFGG’s questions by Mr. Buller, and we are grateful for the thought and effort that went into the answers.

    Our August 14th letter was precipitated by the speeches at the August 10th Council meeting by George Peterson and Kieth Crowley of Waggaman, in which they claimed negligence by Waste Management, CDM, and our Jefferson Parish government because of their failure to minimize the odor from the Landfill. We found their speeches to be extremely disturbing. Although CFGG had concluded that Waste Management deserved to be awarded the contract at issue based on the technical and financial evaluations of their proposal, we felt that IF the Peterson and Crowley claims of negligence with respect to the landfill were true, then Waste Management did not deserve to be awarded the contract.

    We sympathize with the citizens of Waggaman, who are upset about the landfill odor to which they are subjected on a daily basis, some of which is unavoidable because of their proximity to three landfills. However, if Waste Management, CDM, and our Jefferson Parish government are actually making a conscientious effort to minimize the odor from our landfill, and if the negligence claims of Peterson and Crowley were exaggerations planned to induce the Jefferson Parish Council to award the landfill contract to IESI, then we are extremely upset that the Council may have been duped into supporting IESI.

    We are also upset that no one from CDM or our Jefferson Parish government spoke up at the Council meeting in defense of our landfill operation, although Waste Management Engineer Amanda Olson did provide a convincing defense of Waste Management.

    We are also upset that Councilman Chris Roberts’ statement concerning an open meeting on the landfill contract at the June 29th Council meeting did not come to fruition. He said that "There is a possibility if time constraints require it that we may very well have to address openly this contract at another brief meeting…” Had this open meeting been held, some of the issues which CFGG has identified might have been resolved to our satisfaction prior to the Council vote.

    Of course, the landfill contract is now a dead issue, since the Council has made its choice. However, we have a very uncomfortable feeling about the way in which the landfill contract was awarded to IESI, and with the usual 7-0 Council vote, without discussion by the Council members at the time of the vote. We do, however, trust that Waste Management, CDM, and our government will ensure that the odors emanating from our landfill are kept to a minimum during the remainder of Waste Management’s contract, and we again wish to thank you for responding to our concerns.


    Margaret Baird
    Chairman, Citizens for Good Government
    Email: [email protected]

    Margie Seemann
    Vice-Chairman, Citizens for Good Government
    Email: [email protected]

  11. And with regard to taking out "Price" as a factor in the RFP process, 1) By taking "Price" out of the equation, IESI actually scored higher than Waste Management, because "Price" was over 60% of the scoring.

    The real questions becomes "Do we want the 'best deal' or the 'cheapest price' for the taxpayer's money?

    The best deal is not necessarily always going to be the 'cheapest price'. Take for example body armor for our sheriff's deputies. If we to with the cheapest price, not only will we jeopardize the lives our our deputies, but also we put at risk the general public as a whole because our deputies would be susceptible to fatal wounds that would otherwise prevent the loss of life of said deputy. If our deputies were susceptible to these mortal wounds, how would they be able to serve and protect the general public.

    Another example is to look at the motor pool. If we just go with the misnomer that the 'cheapest price' is the best deal then we would wind up with an increase of downtime with the cheapest vehicles being out for repair.

  12. Mr. Peterson: IESI scored only a couple of points higher that WM on the technical score and, since 2 of the 3 committee members had no technical background for grading landfills, that is a dubious score anyway. The only committee member with a technical background gave WM a higher score.

    And, yes, if less than 3 points separates a dubious technical score and 30 points separate price points, we should go for the better deal. This cost is paid for by taxpayers across the parish. While I sympathize with Waggaman's predicament of having multiple landfills, the landfills were there when many people purchased houses there. That's the tradeoff that people make, lower home prices vs living near a landfill. Also, you have the option to move. We don't have the option to pay less for our landfill costs.

    Price needs to continue to be a part of the equation for any RFP or Parish contract. Mike Thomas' assertions at the council meeting (and his phony phone call to lobbyists) are ridiculous.

    You would have wanted anyone but WM and you exaggerated the issue to ensure that you got your way. 3 people from Waggaman speaking at a council meeting cost the parish millions of dollars over the life of the contract? Please.

    Stop spinning this with worthless analogies.

  13. Actually the Avondale-Waggaman communities have been along the river since the early 1800's and the contemporary community has been in existence since the 50's.

  14. "We will not sit idly by while these ladies try to hi-jack our parish gov’t and subvert the truth."

    George, I think you're a little late to prevent the hi-jacking of JP Govt. But maybe you don't consider the "no RFP" manner in which the River Birch contract was filthily thrust upon JP citizens a subversion of the truth. In addition to the outright corruption (i.e.: pay for play campaign contributions, Whitmer, Wilkinson, Broussard, etc.), the Council has a collective IQ of about 75 (Cindy Lee raises it considerably). Now this interim councilman with the hair wants to start shooting his mouth off, even though he has not been elected by the people . . . yet.

    The whole thing is a joke, and you seem to be trying to endear yourself to the hogs at the trough by attacking the watchdogs. I guess there's always room at that trough for one more.

    Bell, California!!!!

  15. Hey George, give it up, you are just coming across as a total asshole! Nice job of attacking ladies that care about having a open and honest parish government (sarcasm off).

  16. To emulate some of your own words Mr.Peterson : " Goodmorning everybody…I wasn't going to speak again…. I expose myself….. " , but I have the following parody for you, you ever so surprising ,scary "Jack-in-the-Box" Clown puppet :

    I'm wondering how Chrissy and the other Council Clown Puppeteers energize the lid of your box to get you to Jack up, out and off. Could you expose just that one little secret to us.

    And I'm a little puzzled why after your possible Freudian slip in the video replay, '…I expose myself… at every Council meeting…' , that you haven't been arrested for lascivious flashes of lewd and unnatural conduct unbecoming of a dumpy ' civic leader '.
    Even if you don't really expose all your private things at the meetings you should still at least be water boarded to reveal what the Head Clown, Chrissy Roberts, has promised you.

    Finally, Mr.Peterson in answer to your question does the Parish want the "best deal "or the "cheapest" price , I will say without a doubt that District 3 needs the "best" candidate and not the "cheapest", " Jack-in-the-Box" who jacks up,out and off against the Parish taxpayers at the every whim of the Council Clown Puppeteers.

  17. I now rmember why I don't go to council meetings. If I went there would be "film at 11" when the Post Turtle choked the idiot at the podium. Hell, I almost tried choking the monitor just now!
    You sir don't have a clue. You are a puppet to the mini-me. Your reputation is going to take a hit for what. You may be the nicest guy in the world, but why become a lapdog for the corrupt JP council? I put council in lower case because they don't deserve the respect of upper case.

  18. Turtle, the coffee spewed out of my mouth as I laughingly read your post. Thanks for the Monday morning comedy.

  19. Turtle, I agree. If Mr. Peterson wins, Jefferson Parish loses. Either way, Mr. Peterson has already lost his credibility and his integrity. Hope he gets a good space next to Chris Roberts on next year's Mardi Gras parade float.

  20. With regard to Mr. Peterson’s statement, “There are many facts that dispute Miss Seeman’s claims above but the most glaring is the fact that the River Birch Settlement Fund had already expired in 2009 so Miss Seeman could not have been instrumental in stopping Byron Lee from taking $200,000 from the fund to put into his illicit non-profit.” You are correct, Mr. Peterson, about the $200,000, and I was wrong. You are certainly the expert on the Settlement Fund.

    However, this jogged my memory, and as I recall, the actual amount remaining in the Settlement Fund when CFGG became aware of this issue was $70,000. Citizens for Good Government was extremely upset when we became aware of the fact that Councilman Lee had diverted $200,000 from the community of Waggaman, and we therefore sent out the following email blast:

    Sent: Wed, Nov 17, 2010 11:53 pm
    Subject: UPDATE: The citizens of Waggaman deserve better from Councilman Lee

    Supporters of Good Government:

    Citizens for Good Government is outraged that Councilman Bryon Lee has directed almost $200,000 intended to benefit the citizens of Waggaman to the Jefferson Sports & Scholastic Foundation, a nonprofit foundation which he formed and is run by Councilman Lee’s political allies. CFGG Vice-Chairman Margie Seemann expressed this opinion in an interview with Fox8-TV, as seen in this U-Tube video (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RN_RoGU0VQs). The funds provided to this nonprofit Foundation came from a settlement with Jefferson Parish by the owners of the River Birch Landfill and were intended for projects in Waggaman, where the landfill is located.

    To make matters worse, a recently-released Louisiana Legislative Auditors Report revealed serious financial discrepancies involving this publicly-funded nonprofit Foundation. In fact, the November 15th Times-Picayune article entitled “Audit finds widespread accounting problems at nonprofit linked to Jefferson Parish councilman,” (http://www.nola.com/politics/index.ssf/2010/11/audit_finds_widespread_account.html) indicated that the Foundation “has ‘no formal accounting processes’ and could provide little or no documentation for hundreds of thousands of dollars in expenditures…”

    A Times-Picayune article from December 11, 2007, entitled, “Money from landfill misses target,” recalls that “The settlement documents give the 3rd District councilman [Councilman Byron Lee since 2004] discretion to spend the annual payments within his jurisdiction, but landfill neighbors argue that the money was clearly intended to go to residents who share roads with streams of garbage trucks and the homeowners who can smell in their backyards odors from the cluster of landfills that also includes the Jefferson Parish Landfill…Each payment must be approved by the council as an amendment to the parish's capital budget.”

    We are outraged that Councilman Lee directed these funds to his financially-troubled nonprofit Foundation, when these settlement funds were clearly intended to help the citizens of Waggaman, who are suffering the deleterious effects of having the River Birch landfill in their neighborhood. However, the members of the Jefferson Parish Council are also culpable, since they voted to approve these payments to the Jefferson Sports & Scholastic Foundation proposed by Councilman Lee.

    The Jefferson Parish Councilmen adhere to an unwritten rule that permits each District Councilman alone to decide on everything for his district, including such things as which contractors are awarded professional services contracts for his district, whether or not zoning variances for his district are approved or disapproved, etc.

    There is nothing in our Jefferson Parish Charter or the Code of Ordinances that requires our councilmen to give this much power to District Councilmen. This unwritten rule is not in the best interests of the citizens of Jefferson, and it can result in seriously flawed decisions, such as was made by Councilman Lee in providing funds for his Foundation.

    Citizens for Good Government is irate about Councilman Lee’s actions to financially aid his nonprofit Foundation, and we believe that the other councilmen had an obligation to ensure that funds entrusted to our Jefferson Parish government are expended in a fair and equitable manner. We believe that the councilmen should scrap their unwritten rule and should cast all of their votes to best benefit the citizens of Jefferson, regardless of whose district is affected.

    Additional information on this topic is also available in a couple of insightful articles on the ClickJefferson.com website.

    Margie Seemann
    Vice-Chairman, Citizens for Good Government

  21. BREAKING NEWS: One of Slabbed Nation's videographers captured Chrissy Roberts rehearsing with the scary "Jack-in-the-Box", Mr.Peterson, in the Green Room before a Council meeting.


    Seems like once Mr.Peterson comes out of his Box he doesn't want to go back in and wants to have the last word.

  22. Really George … if I didn’t know better, I would have thought I wrote this phrase, and you simply re-edited it to criticize the M&M Sisters’ motives:

    “We will not sit idly by while these ladies try to hi-jack our parish gov’t and subvert the truth in order to fulfill their own narcissistic needs for self-adoration and praise.”

    A simple reverse substitution, deleting ‘ladies’ to read JP COUNCIL CLOWNS, and I would have accused you of plagiarism.

    While Waggaman went world wide on YouTube, your continuing to impugn the integrity of CFGG and it’s members only serves to inculpate your integrity as ignoble.

  23. Mr. Peterson,

    I am still looking forward to your posting the engineering impact study of the quantitative analysis addressing the odor you claim to smell as coming only from the Parish’s landfill managed by WM and monitored by CDM. Having read other comments here on Slabbed, it appears that others too are awaiting your post of this study.

    We again read about WM’s continued legal assault to protect it’s business integrity and contractual rights, I would think it would be in your best interests to produce such a report that you based your incriminating statements on. The same legal tactics may hold true for CDM in the future in protecting their reputation.

    It is certainly within the realm of reasonable possibility that the lawyers for WM, along with CDM’s lawyers, could reasonably interpret your statement at a public Council meeting as wantonly slanderous. That such malicious assertions are a contributing factor as to why IESI was chosen over them, considering that WM’s evaluation score was higher; and that CDM has repeatedly certified that WM has continued to adhere to the monitoring protocol.

    I might add that because you are not a Jefferson Parish public official, you will not enjoy the abuse of the Council in paying for your legal fees.

    This is a serious matter indeed Mr. Peterson. So let’s see the engineering report you relied on, please.

  24. Peterson , if indeed it really is you and not someone ghostwriting for you, posting a song is not responsive to the question put to you by Eyewigger. Produce the report(s) on which you based your assertion(s) or retract publicly at the next Council Meeting and admit you just ran your big mouth again without thinking. Admit it is you who is confused, misguided and who has NO COMMON SENSE.

  25. Eyewigger and Sharkpuppet : Before Mr.Peterson shows us his independent smell studies he still has to answer several of my and Margie's questions like if there is so much smell coming from the JP landfill why didn't you , Mr.Peterson ,object to the renewal of the CDM contract for $400,000 for odor and bird abatement ,which Mr.Theriot over a year ago called overcharges and lowered CDM's contract to $72,000?

    Mr.Peterson : Goodmorning Mr.Peterson, I wasn't going to comment but you're back with a cute, smart ass song so either answer the questions or crawl back into your puppet box until Chrissy winds you up again to spring on another good government woman. P.S Try telling "BIG" Al Morella he has no common sense next time you Chicken Little sh*t .

  26. For those who were not able to be at the Jefferson Parish District 4 Political Forum the other night I have a video of Betty( the cat) of Citizens for Good Government asking candidate Mr.Peterson about his personal history and background.The person hanging is Al Morella who had asked Mr. Peterson to be nice to the M&M Sistas :


  27. Breaking News: Clown Chris"The Special Man" Roberts Stabs Clown Hopeful Peterson in Back

    As per T/P article today Chrissy is endorsing Mark Spears for Council District 3 despite Peterson defending Chrissy's $100,000 campaign contributions announced at last Council meeting by The Citizens for Good Government. Mr.Peterson will you be defending Chrissy at the next meeting or tending the stab wound in your back :

    Details at : http://www.nola.com/politics/index.ssf/2011/10/4_


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