I am hearing stories of open warfare between Team Young and the Parish Council at today’s council meeting. (Updated)

I’m all ears if those that witnessed it are willing to share in comments, especially if you got silly pictures of Mini-me in action.  😉

As always Slabbed’s hotline is open 24/7 365.


A reader was kind enough to dial up the Slabbed hotline after my last comment to this post with a comment that bears repeating:

Mike Thomas and Chris Coulon are fraternity brothers.  Phi Gamma Delta at LSU.  They are very good friends.  Oh yeah, another of their pledge class, Timmy Porteous.  The motto of FIJI is “friendship is the sweetest influence”

And of course doing some googling now has me wondering about their ENRON connection. You can’t make this stuff up!


38 thoughts on “I am hearing stories of open warfare between Team Young and the Parish Council at today’s council meeting. (Updated)”

  1. Now that my caulrophobia anxiety attack has subsided, I start with this imploding scenario:

    Because mini-me’s POS thief Thomas gets a phone call, we learn that Adams & Reese’s (in reality the father and son JP pigs, TIM AND CHRIS COULON) lobbying contract had expired … too fucking bad for those Jefferson Parish Politico Mafioso and congratulations to Young’s Administration !!!

    Reading this opens up many possibilities for speculation, and I quote:

    “Thomas offered a less charitable assessment after the meeting.”

    "I think that when you've been in office for about a year now, if you can't figure things out, maybe you shouldn't be there," he said.

    Jefferson Parish Council grills John Young's administration about letting key contract lapse
    Published: Wednesday, September 21, 2011, 6:13 PM Updated: Wednesday, September 21, 2011, 6:14 PM By Paul Rioux, The Times- http://www.nola.com/politics/index.ssf/2011/09/je

    WOW! … and this criticism coming from someone who should have never been a Council aide and/or appointed to the Council … what a thieving hypocrite …

  2. Young spilts and Cox has to take the heat. The guy dishing it calls Tim Coulon's boy at Adams and Reese mid meeting. Meantime the council ignores the committee scores on an RFP and awards the supplemental benefits contract to the same group of miscreants that double dealt with Tim Whitmer. Something tells me in such a poisonous environment Slabbed will be a net beneficiary.

    Commence the back stabbing! 🙂


  3. Very 'in your face' of the Jefferson Parish mafioso. Perhaps Dr. Drew can arrange an 'intervention' and get the idjits to stop drinking the Coulon- Aid still being served. At least in the good ole days when the bar was well stocked for the night meetings they had an excuse.
    OK so Mike Thomas and Chris Coulon and Timmy Porteous were Frat Brothers…anyone know if Timmy Valenti was in FIJI also? Rumors have flown for years that he bailed Mike Thomas out of a REALLY bad spot when they were both in the JP Parish Attorney's office. Wonder what kind of 'influence' that buys, er, engenders? This just gets bettah and mo bettah.

  4. So now we have ‘thievin’ Thomas (mini-me’s asshole talking) tell us some weeks ago that he believes that with the appointment of both a compliance officer and internal auditor, an IG would not be necessary …

    Diametrically 180 degrees apart, we have Young telling us just last week that because of his anointment by voters default to be Parish Parish, he will take this time to campaign for passage of the IG iniative …

    I can’t wait to read the barbs if this continues to stew …

  5. J -Y JELLY : With or without lubrication the more you hold foul, "facinorous fecaliths"( to cite Sop's words of the week) in the more outrageous the odor when they come out.From the looks of your avatar you are on the verge bro.

    Happens a lot with people who have had hemorrhoid surgery which could be analogous to the interim and recently reelected, pain in the ass assholes on the Council of Clowns.

    Speaking about aged fecaliths I hope FEMA tells Young why should we give you 60 MILLION more when those corrupt SOB's haven't given up all the receipts for the first 55 MILLION and decides to investigate what the Broussard Administration did with the first 55 MILLION, including an itemized rendition of what Hubbard did with his 'honey hole' 15 MILLION. contract.

    No wonder why FUJI men (THOMAS , COULON and PORTEOUS) don't want an Inspector General nosing around and just want hired lobbyists to contribute to political campaigns and buy influence to get FEMA to forgive the money.

  6. Many say that there is already a distinct odor when they are near me. As time progresses, it's nearly impossible to hold it all in. My greasy hands have done an adequate job. But a grand implosion is inevitable.

  7. Oh yea Sop … this is happening …

    Here’s Herr Roberts rationalization of why people in droves are leaving Jefferson Parish:

    “Roberts suggested that lax code enforcement is one reason people are leaving the parish for greener, and presumably better maintained, pastures.

    "I don't ignore the fact that we lose people to other parishes daily, and we're losing them to St. Tammany on a regular basis," Roberts said. "I run into people on a regular basis who say they're selling their home, they're leaving."

    Jefferson Parish Council, administration at odds over code enforcement
    Published: Thursday, September 22, 2011, 7:22 PM
    By Jeff Adelson, The Times-Picayune http://www.nola.com/politics/index.ssf/2011/09/je

    This man is truly a Borderline Detached DELUSIONAL individual… and after reading this, no doubt a Psychotic Schizophrenic !!!

    Of course mini-me … it couldn't be disgust with the corrupt Jefferson Parish Politico Mafioso like yourself and/or the lack of a democratic election process that anointed you …


  8. And more Young vs Council:

    BARTON, who along with her former boss Tom Wilkinson, conspired and did commit payroll fraud as it concerns the Parish Attorney’s Office while she was the Deputy Asst Parish Attorney charged with supervision over both the Asst Parish Attys and para-legal department… FELONY violations !

    BARTON, who conspired with others, to alter the public records to cover up her role in the payroll fraud all during the time of an on going FBI investigation and La Legislative Auditor’s investigation … FELONY violations !

    BARTON, who while interim Parish Attorney, stated unequivocally, that regardless of any evaluation committees’ scoring, the Parish Council can vote otherwise in contradiction to those findings … HYPOCRITE !

    BARTON was on the evaluation committee, although we have nothing before us that reveals how SHE scored the companies. SUBTERFUGE !

    BARTON knew and knows exactly who the ‘players’ are when it comes to which insurance agents’ company is going to get the contract … DISINGENUOUS !

    Here are some priceless BARTON quotes from the article in which she attempts to project a charade of innocence of how this all goes down:

    “Human Resources Director Peggy Barton said she wasn't sure how a broker could have caught wind of the parish's request before it was officially made, but she pointed out that the council's agenda is available almost a week before each meeting. Any broker could have read that and anticipated that the council would vote to begin the search, she said.

    “Everyone was treated the same way," Barton said.

    A draft resolution was written up to award the contract to AFLAC, but the council delayed making a decision on July 27. A month later, Roberts wrote to Young questioning the administration's evaluation process. A week after that, the council delayed its vote again.

    "It's disheartening to hear people say we don't think you did it right," Barton said. "We spent a lot of time on" the evaluation process."

    Cox said it will take at least six weeks to come up with a new plan for supplemental insurance. And once the process is open to all competing insurance providers, there is still a strong possibility that Colonial will benefit from having already sold many policies to parish employees, Barton said.

    "As an employee who doesn't have a lot of time, I'm not going to go through open enrollment again," said Barton, speaking for herself. "So I think it does give Colonial an advantage."

    Jefferson Parish extends insurer's contract despite rival's higher rating
    Published: Wednesday, September 21, 2011, 7:34 PM Updated: Wednesday, September 21, 2011, 7:34 PM By Richard Rainey, The Times-Picayune http://www.nola.com/politics/index.ssf/2011/09/je

    BARTON would have us believe that after all of her “valiant efforts” to open up the bidding process…well what is one to do…but go along to get along … buy Colonial of course … just as mini-me Roberts had maneuvered !

  9. I think I'll just stay in DC for awhile. The air here is growing on me. I like my solitude and private times. Hands-on, self-entertainment. More to come.

  10. J and/or K – Y Jelly,

    Washington, D.C. will prove a great place for you indeed … there the politicos fuck you without a care in world how it feels …

    However, here in Jefferson Parish there seems to be some concern about whether you cut your grass before you get fucked !!!

  11. Patricia,

    Is that J-Y Jelly or K-Y Jelly I see glistening on Johnny Boy's finger … Peggy …I mean, really !!!

  12. I think I'll just stick with my personally initialed moniker. Sorry to have confused all of you. I can swing both ways.
    During my DC respite, I have been able to temporarily slide into oblivion. It's been nice not to have to wash my long, oily mane and let it all hang out. What awaits me back at JP? Am gearing up to resume my assumed position.

  13. 'Gate, couldn't agree more with your above comment that Roberts' suggestion that people are leaving J.P. for other parishes because the grass is high is ludicrous. People are exiting not only Jefferson Parish but the state because of the same ole same ole which continually plagues Louisiana taxpayers at every level. But J.P. governmental corruption remains high on the list. Add to that a Louisiana Legislature out of touch with their constituents coupled with our Washington delegation securely sequestered inside the Washington beltway and completely out of touch with ANYTHING ( are you listening Scalise..?..)…and now you know why people are leaving and more will follow if a decent real estate market ever returns which will allow many more to sell their homes.

  14. Now mini-me tells us that people by the thousands are leaving Jefferson Parish everyday…the same people who don’t cut their grass or bother to vote…

    Just great … unless you live in St. Tammany, uh, I mean St. Tammanard…

    So what now … St. Tammany will have to change it’s name yet again … St. Tammanarderson ?

  15. So let me see if I can make sense out of what Thomas’ put down of Young was all about.

    Young goes to DC to meet with FEMA regarding Jefferson Parish business, ostensibly to persuade FEMA to give the taxpayers some slack on what is owed. Isn’t this what he was elected to do ? Conduct himself as the Chief Executive Officer of Parish business. Well it is, and he did.

    Then when the signal was given that Young had departed for DC, these nutless bully mouth jackasses dump on Young and his Administration for not continuing the lobbying contract with the Council Clowns’ cronies, Tim and Chris Coulon (Adams and Reese). I concur with others, FUCK THOSE COULON PIGS. What was even more noticeable was that these Clowns said anything in the first place. I guess it is true, they’re imploding and this mouthing off is evidence of that fact.

    Why waste money with those fools when the Parish President should be handling this type of matter in the first place. And this is just the kind of responsible decision we should expect from our Public Officials.

  16. Dear missred and stable,

    How about jealous this …

    Mettez votre tête entre vos jambes et de la langue dans le cul baise…

    Consider this a tantrum from an old man … en d’autres termes, vas te faire encule !!!

    Yours truly, Whitmergate

  17. Hell stubble and pissred, I agree with whitemergate. WTF ? How much more fucked up can you be licking your asshole as you continue to tunnel down your favorite HellHole known as Jefferson Parish ?

    What the hell, it sounds like y’all have rubbed a bunch of J-Y Jelly on yourselves to slip even faster down that Jefferson Parish HellHole so that the high grass won’t impact the downward movement.

  18. stabble … you jackass …

    Next time you want to take a shot at me about my level of social behavior …LEARN HOW TO SPELL !

    STABLE ….
    a stable person well-balanced, of sound mind, compos mentis, sane, normal, right in the head, rational, steady, reasonable, sensible, sober, down-to-earth, matter-of-fact, having both one's feet on the ground; informal all there. antonym unbalanced.

    You say your “stabble” … UH OH ! … I'm having a temper tantrum now … I say your illiterate, ignorant and stupid …

  19. Hell whitmergate, it looks like you’ve got two unstable jealous babies pissing red in their diapers about your comments here. You should know by now that this Jefferson Parish HellHole is over crowded with these kind of babyass knee-benders whose abuse of K-Y jelly is infamous.

    I say WTF, let these fools fall in this Jefferson Parish HellHole on their soft fucking heads. What damage could there be ? Kind of obvious from the comments that stubble and pissred made that they’ve been getting rimmed by the Devil for some time now.

    Without a fucking doubt, Jefferson Parish is the Hellhole of all hell holes.

  20. whitmergate:
    not a misspelling, loon
    stabble i.e. stabbed babble
    get thee to your stable, mare, and drink more kool-aide from your trough
    remove your pompous Francais from up yout butt and learn the Anglais
    FYI, You don't hold a candle to Peggy Barton

  21. To my newest critic, the now three-headed jealous baby, stabble/missred/slabble:

    I appologize…I misread your intent…

    To assume that you were attempting to project, by your handle, a stable person in contrast to my writing tantrums about the infantile wannabe Sopranos, our own Jefferson Parish Politico Mafioso …was… well …to make an ass out of you and me…

    You say I am unintelligent and pompous ….I say you are a mentally challenged bigoted Anglophile…

    So the next time you want to spin, take the candle that’s up your butt and spin it up ‘Pegs’ … without the jelly please…

    I have all the time in the world to trade insults with you … everyday, all day…you started this and I intend to finish it … however I fear the host will tire of our bantering and edit our comments off in time …

    Allez putain …

    Or sweetheart, we can end this little tête à tête now…be civil … and both go watch the Saints game !!!

  22. I may just be mentally challenged, but I'm no bigot.
    Fair is fair. I will take your peace offer. Just remember this:
    Your diatribes regarding Peggy Barton just point to your concealed jealousy of her: of her class, of her intelligence, of her style, and of her status.
    You are fooling no one. Don't hate her 'cause you ain't her.

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