Tuesday Twofer: Ask not what Good Government Citizen groups can do for you……..

Ask what you can do for Good Government Citizen Groups.

FEMA is out of touch ~ Tommy Elkins

StopFemaNow is a group of concerned citizens, who have not only been effected by Super Storm Sandy, but who have been impacted on varying levels by the implications of the new FEMA flood maps. The decision to adopt these maps is premature and requires additional consideration. We want to, quite simply, Stop Fema Now!

Our goal is to create community awareness as the adoption of these maps will heavily impact many communities across this country. These maps will tear many from their homes, force many to make harsh decisions about their futures with no real place to turn and ultimately change our lives. The financial implications alone are frightening!

We are faced with many unanswered questions and very little direction. StopFemaNow intends to provide a fact based argument as to how and why we can rebuild stronger and more resilient with a more “realistic” approach. Together we will prevail!

One thought on “Tuesday Twofer: Ask not what Good Government Citizen groups can do for you……..”

  1. Doug,
    After reading Elkins letter to the Sun Herald, it appears that it is more of an attack on the Alliance for Good Government than FEMA. The sad truth about FEMA (and we all dealt with them after Katrina) is this:
    they dole out the funds–they make the rules. Wouldn’t we all like to be able to make our own repairs without
    big brother? Wonder if any “out of touch” FEMA money “touched” Elkins bank account after Katrina?
    Waveland has a qualified and competent building inspector. Don’t know how much he had to do with the pier work inspection or if it was federal inspectors, but there should have been someone overseeing the job. The whole thing is still in court. We’ll see how it works itself out.

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