4 thoughts on “Yup (Part 8)”

  1. Since Mr.Handshoe opened LSU’s Free Speech Alley on Memorial day weekend, “my mind (has been) a raging torrent, flooded with rivulets of thought cascading into a waterfall of creative alternatives aglow with whirling transient nodes of thought careening thru a cosmic vapor of invention.” (My state-of-mind exception is distinguishable from Marc Morial-Mitch Landrieu’s Art of Celestial Navigation on the 5th Katrina anniversary.) The comment possibilities are target rich but posting time is short. I understand that John Georges has recently been given the rank of Knight. John is a savage and he never lies. You ask your Publisher and Chief Executive Officer to his face, ask him and see if his eyes can convince you of the truth. Federal Judges have law clerks and some control over rocket dockets. Do real journalists (?) have research assistants always marking time on a time clock? “It isn’t that I don’t like current events. There have just been so many of them lately.” Lawzy, Mr. Handshoe, I don’t know nothin’ ’bout birthin Mississippi. Sometimes, ain’t nobody got time for that. Memorial day weekend open: “I’ll see if I can’t arrange a holiday weekend surprise for you good folks.” Remember the game that children play – hot/cold? A significant-other hides an object of desire and the children go on an Easter egg hunt. Now slabbed nation knows that Doug is a confessed tort-teaser in creative tension with: “There is so much I want to say but can’t as I do not want to endanger the investigation.” Consult legal; you know the drill. I would have been content to take a few days off & watch a good war movie like ‘Mash’ or ‘johnny got his gun’ and work on a much delayed project. But no, it was not meant to be. I was game for the challenge inspite of my time dilemma (“But I have promises to keep, And miles to go before I sleep”). Hunting is savage pleasure and I was born to it. Dr. Ben Carson spoke (2-7-2013) at the National Prayer Breakfast: “What do lawyers learn in Law School? To win…by hook or by crook…What we have to do is learn to solve problems.” So, problem solving is litigious hunting but for those of us who don’t live in the PACER subculture, we are at a disadvantage. I began brainstorming in earnest i.e. posts, comments & especially music. I read a pile of litigation docs. I consulted my thesaurus for ‘huge’ as an antidote for “highly public” hugger-muggery. Since I was live on location, at the U.S. District Courthouse on May 15 for Abel v. Handshoe & Vandenweghe, it was obvious that the “holiday weekend surprise” would be related. May 16 note: ‘Slabbed will be hosting several out of state and international guests’. (Oh my my oh hell yes you got to put on that party dress). Remember, this was a pre-yuppie hunt therefore Doug’s May 17th filing with the Circuit Court of Hancock County MS, was not available to the anawim. Of course, Doug visited Randall Cajun on May 20. Doug was soooo very Cool Hand Luke. Upon information & belief, I queried a Dr. Spock best guess: amicus briefs will be filed in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit in Trout Point Lodge v. Doug Handshoe (THE SPEECH ACT). Once before in life I made a mistake; I thought I was wrong but it turned out that I was right. But hell, I always got time for a song. Music selection is Sweet Brown: Original Report & Autotune Remix .mp4 (youtube.com). Tagged with the politics of arson as New Orleans CPC hunts for a new planning director to shape the master plan for development. It is dedicated to Sizeler, Thompson, Brown architects’ “firehouse” testimonial letter to Judge Lemmon: “If all individuals had one half of the work ethic and energy that Tim Whitmer displayed, business would function much better”…&…dedicated to Joe Pappalardo, president of Latter & Blum Management Inc., for supporting the Landrieu/Clarkson ordinance on enforcement of building standards “with the force of law.”

    1. Tort Teaser? Ignatius has always maintained that Handshoe is a tease.

      Regarding PACER access. I might publish a special page with the dockets and documents. The problem is people will not understand everything and ask questions and I can’t comment upon any of this ongoing litigation. I have a workaround for that but it is an imperfect solution thus the delay.

      I will say this regarding the SPEECH Act case:


      My understanding is oral arguments have been scheduled for next month. You may want to contact the court to get the exact date.

      I greatly appreciated you showing up last month Bill. 🙂

      1. Tort Teaser?? Doug, I found your reply a fair ‘re-tort’. It was a play on tortfeasor: one who commits a tort; a wrongdoer. When I have to explain a joke…well…Ignatius will let it die on the vine so it will never enter the popular lexicon. People, who know funny, have told me to my face: Bill, you are not funny. Don’t quit your day job for stand-up. In my state-of-mind, I coined the phrase from a July 1999 flashback which was subject matter for any investigative reporter. The short of the long was that Morial’s housing policy did not pass the smell test. At a City Council meeting, how does the Council resolve “allegations and innuendo” when the Council is not a court of law? How can you present facts instead of allegations when Morial won’t respond to public records requests? If you have evidence, go to the FBI. Then on July 15,1999 I participated in the People’s March on City Hall under the banner of “Save Our Treme From the Morial Patronage Posse”. Upon arrival with a band, a member of the milling entourage was an aide to Sen. Landrieu. I told her I voted for Mary ’cause I thought she was kind-of-cute. Her reactive body language & facial expression…well Doug I’ve bombed before. The whole event was staged. I confess that I am a tort teaser; I confess that I’m “the layman who spouts law” in federal court. Hello Jones Walker LLP.

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