6 thoughts on “Jiff takes a powder: A Plaquemines Parish Political Corruption Update”

    1. The possibilities here are delicious IMA as this entire Plaquemines Parish deal is rife with backstabbing potential. I plan on closely monitoring the doings down over in Nunnyville.


  1. Good. I keep getting emails from that fat POS for his campaign. Daddy was a staunch Republican who was Gov. Dave Treen's confidante and supporter; he was well-respected. Daddy is probably spinning in the grave at what Jr. has become (or will become).

  2. Now we are going to have an election for sheriff. Some of the candidates are running for the right reason. Some are running for the power that it yields and to keep the old guard of Plaquemine Parish in power. I think it is time to elect someone that will do the job for what it is. Not for power, not for greed, not just so other wont be elected. There are drugs in our schools on the streets. There is greasing the hands of politicians the so called good old boys. It is time to stop all this childish behavior and start acting like adults. How about being nobel. How about standing up for what is moral and honest. How about believing in a higher power than our selves not for greed or power but for the right reason.

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