In your face: Joe Caldarera and conspirators try for another JPAS change order, this time “just” $8.4 million. Here comes the Broussard!

The Giuliani turned out to be a hoax but “the Broussard” is akin to a horny honeybadger that can’t ever get enough anal sex.  The comments in Boss Ross’ story from someone claiming to be a contractor bears watching.  In fact I’d argue the job site is a terrible place for Joe Caldarera to store his equipment.

We need the best organized crime folks the FBI has down here pronto!


25 thoughts on “In your face: Joe Caldarera and conspirators try for another JPAS change order, this time “just” $8.4 million. Here comes the Broussard!”

  1. Sop you think we can petition the Urban Dictionary to include your new word – 'the broussard'. Aaron sodamized JP first with a huge water hose, then with the 55 MILLION FEMA loan, now a debt, because of no cleanup receipts from Hubbard, then with his wife's payroll fraud and on his watch was also hatched the genesis of the ongoing 26 MILLION cost overuns at JPPAC. JP is like a Penn State x 400,000 victims.

    I see similarities with Council ex-Coach LargeASS and his ex- gym student ,'Delayin' Doughboy' Caldarera wanting to sodamize us till we cry out the 'Special Man's ' famous words, " Let them have it (money)".

    Mr. Letten, as a JP resident doesn 't your asshole burn just a little when you read this in the TP. With no federal indictments and Preparation H depleted on JP drugstore shelves it will only get worse.

    Its' time to remove Joe's equipment from the site and shove it up his arrogant ass NOW.

  2. FBI can investigate all you want but if the US Attorneys office won't prosecute why even bother getting upset anymore. There is no legitimate reason for any citizen to do legitimate business in this cesspool.

  3. This is how they get the "small" numbers of voters that even come out to vote to support them in elections. Notice how many are coaches and originate at the playground level! Do you realize how many parents they meet and have control over and the power they have over the generations of kids? In addition they control all of the people they meet through the years and put on these pemier travel teams that are all sponsored by the parents, parish and businesses. They use the power to make extra money off of these teams and if you "allow" them to give your child individual lessons at a price of course your child can even play on an all-star team or select team that you can once again pay a fee to play! So you see the control the coaches have through the years goes through generations. Now this is the real lesson of pay to play taught to the masses at a very young age —-generation by generation. They have evidently really realized this power and control is so great they have proposed a fairly large increase in personnel at the playground level to help continue the work and political control. The corruption in this one dept. could keep the entire FBI dept. nationally busy for years! CJ Gibson cannot retire soon enough! Not that there will be much of a change if he left as the training in recreation assures it will stay the same unless they start fresh by the elimination of almost all employees in recreation! Again, please use the info. for your insight. Into the JP rec. dept. But not our names.

  4. Pres … Letten will not prosecute any of his WHITE Jefferson Parish Politico Mafioso HOMEBOYS …

    They can steal JP blind as reported in the JPPAC corruption fiasco … pay Phelps, Dunbar HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS to try and cover up the wrong doing AMV made public in her Whistleblower claims, her successful PRR lawsuit and now her Federal lawsuit … incur MILLIONS OF DOLLARS IN DAMAGES to be paid to Waste Management because of their illegal awarding to River Birch, a landfill monopoly … allowing payroll fraud to be the accepted practice in the Parish Attorney’s Office, costing the taxpayers of JP, MILLIONS UPON MILLIONS OF DOLLARS paid in illegal salaries … and a continuing RICO conspiracy of a ‘pay to play’ scheme obviated by the quid pro quo of Council votes being cast to award campaign contributor contractors Parish business … and on and on and on …

    And Pres you are absolutely right … the simple fact that there has been NO PUBLIC CRITICISM OR OUTCRY BY THE SUPPOSED BUSINESS LEADERS OF JP concerning the rampant SYSTEMIC CORRUPTION of these politico thugs is the best evidence that they are in collusion with them … just look at the campaign reports of these Jefferson Parish Politico Mafioso … the same names of the usual supects …
    there is no such thing as doing legitimate business in Jefferson Parish !

  5. I can't beleive that Caldarera teaches a public education class on public bid law and changes orders?

    "Okay class today's lesson is on change order number five. [class applauds]

    For tomorrow;s class please read my handout "There is NO limit of the number of change orders that we can invoice the politicians".

    Their motto is "They're giving it away. We'd be foolish not to take it."

  6. Lest we forget …

    That Elton LargeASS taught both Aaron Broussard and Joe Calderera !!!

    And all this time we were lead to believe that it was LargeASS’s Barry Bordelon who was the guy in charge of corruption …

    I wonder … is the T-P still coddling this corrupt manipulating buffoon LargeASS … playing nice with writing each other ???

    Com’on Letten … even you won’t be able to make this WHITE ELEPHANT in your waiting room go away without anyone taking notice …

  7. Maybe Letten is out for bigger fish.

    He is finally putting the finger on Carlos Marcello for the asassination of JFK .

    To build his case he has given immunity to Broussard, Whitmer, Coulon, Roberts, Lagasse, Wilkinson, Cassagne, Bonano, Barton, and Bolotte, Bill Ward and Butch, Fred Heebe and spouse and the rest of the parish politicos and contributor vendors.

    Maybe Jefferson Parish could have it's own Thomas Commission.


    "Up until this sizzling expose written by Rich Rainey of the T-P was posted, the bets among most of us was that the new round of subpoenas concerned themselves with these top 3:

    1) BBE&C …. the IT thugs on the 9th floor … thanks again Walt Baworka for explaining the quid pro quo being the ‘nature of the beast’

    2) Peggy Barton … and the massive payroll fraud in the Parish Attorney’s office while Wilkinson, Barton and Gruntz were in charge

    3) IESI … the new River Birch fiasco


    Jefferson Performing Arts Center job riddled with errors, legislative auditor says
    Published: Friday, October 14, 2011, 7:28 PM Updated: Friday, October 14, 2011, 7:37 PM
    By Richard Rainey, The Times-Picayune

    Here some of my favorite quotes:

    “… the state legislative auditor describes how Finance Director Gwen Bolotte, without ever checking an invoice, cut a check for $5.6 million — doubling Youssef's figure — at Whitmer's request on June 24, 2009. That was the same day the Parish Council unanimously approved the change order, the fifth since breaking ground in 2007.”

    “Whitmer told legislative auditors that he had Bolotte cut the $5.6 million check for concrete revisions because Councilman Elton Lagasse asked for it. Lagasse told auditors he didn't recall but that if Whitmer said it, it likely was true, according to the audit.”

    “Problems with the center's design began even before the first backhoe cut into the ground. The foundation had been deemed five feet too low, putting the center at risk for flooding. But rather than raise the design of the structure five feet at a cost of $500,000, Broussard agreed instead to buy annual flood insurance, the audit stated.”

    CALDARERA … ah ehmmm! … the CONTRACTOR:
    “By the time the fire marshal weighed in, the parish had already awarded Caldarera the $26.5 million contract … “

    “Meanwhile, Caldarera operated for at least part of the project without a risk insurance policy. Company owner Joe Caldarera told the legislative auditor that he had an agreement with the parish attorney's office to hold off on buying one until the center's foundation was laid, but no one could corroborate that, according to the audit.”

    “Perrin & Carter has made $3.2 million so far from its work at the Jefferson Performing Arts Center, according to the audit. Caldarera has made $38.4 million and Wisznia made $1.9 million, according to the audit.”

    THIRTY-EIGHT MILLION DOLLARS, $38,000,000 Caldarera has raked in … the original project was stated to be 26.5 MILLION … Caldarera has received TWELVE MILLION DOLLARS, $12,000,000, over the original contract price.


    “The incident was a prime example of the pratfalls that continue to plague the 1,000-seat theater complex 13 years after the an architect was appointed to design it. The change orders are now up to seven, tallying $18.1 million and pushing the project's total budget past $44.7 million. And that could climb again: According to the audit, officials are considering an eighth change order that balloon total spending beyond the project's current $52.4 million cap.”

    And who do you think Tommy Wilkinson sued … Wiszina the architect whose fee was $1.9 million … and so far the Burglass Law firm, one Tommy’s bestest of buddies had been appointed outside counsel and is billing HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS in outside Attorneys’ fees … maybe next time the reporter will take notice of these rather sizable costs to the taxpayers …

    Caldarera …this is the same Contractor who couldn’t read that the Zephyr’s ball field blueprints INCLUDED SEATS !!!


    The JP Administration is now getting it … something's not right about how MILLIONS AND MILLIONS OF TAXPAYERS' MONIES has not been accounted for …

    Better yet we haven't heard a fart from LargeASS about making sure his Joey Boy is getting paid … Hmmm … maybe he's mailing his responses to questions about his conduct as a co-conspirator in this corrupt construction fraud by way of China …


  9. Well, Mr Letten if you are reading this…I think there is a clear message and request from the taxpayers of Jefferson Parish…can you do your job…? Will you do your job..?.. and if the answer to those first two questions is yes…when will you do your job…?

  10. Joe "Delayin' Doughboy" Caldarera is all puffed up, da' pants are full of doe$$, but if he's not careful his ass could be roasted moe:


    See Joe roast and toast.

  11. Is this the same Elton LargeASS that the T-P and the US Atty have sat idly by as he and his Barry Bordelon have continued to rob the taxpayers of Jefferson Parish blind since their days on the JP School Board and thru to the present ? ….

    The same Elton LargeASS who will be sworn in as a JP Councilman-at-Large without having received NOT ONE SINGLE VOTE …

    And why ? … because he and others like Roberts, who are on this JP Council carousel of musical chairs, have been allowed to amass hugh amounts of monies in their campaign fund account from the contract contributors they vote to award JP business on a continual basis … RICO …

    So I ask you, the T-P … WTF have you been ? … your silence equates to collusion !!! … So now y’all want to cover your ass with this ludicrous plea … asking LargeASS to act responsibly ??? … and I quote:

    “ … For this mess, taxpayers can thank Councilman Lagasse and his predecessor, former Councilman John Lavarine, as well as members of the Broussard administration. Their actions wasted millions of dollars, and it's now up to Councilman Lagasse and to the Young administration to finish the project and minimize further damage to the public coffers. ”

    Scrutinize payments in Jefferson Parish Performing Arts Center project: An editorial
    Published: Tuesday, November 22, 2011, 7:30 AM

    The Editorial Board of this newspaper should be demanding that LargeASS resign ASAP … that’s the responsible thing to do …

  12. Dear Santa..we the taxpayers of Jefferson Parish have been good this year in spite of how our elected Jefferson Parish officials have wasted and squandered our taxpayer monies…all we ask in our letter to you this year is please bring some indictment letters with some teeth in them and leave them at the residences of Broussard, Whitmer, Wilkinson, Lagasse, Roberts , Lee, Coulon…. well, you can see where this is going…the names are too many to list here …

    anyway, we the Jefferson taxpayers have been good. So, please be sure and have the elves remember to put those indictment letters in your bag…and, one last thing Santa, we still have way too many J.P. voters who remain blind to what's happening in the parish… could you please put lots of eyeglasses in your bag and leave them at the homes of the Jefferson Parish voters they can see clearly what is happening in our parish.

    Thanks. And, in keeping in line with how things are done here in Jefferson Parish, instead of leaving you milk and cookies, there will be a small brown paper bag next to the chimney…which when you open it…should show you our appreciation for helping us here in J.P.

    And, again, we've been good.

    Jefferson Parish long suffering taxpayers

  13. It’s not going to be over any time soon … and blaming it on the original architect is, well, passé …


    “Caldarera said that "from day one, there has been issue after issue after issue on this project." He said he has also received at least 10 letters from the state fire marshal's office noting possible deficiencies in the structure, including some dealing with sprinkler systems and interior railings.”

    "It is impossible to say when the project will be finished," he said of the center, originally scheduled to be finished in 2009.”


    “Young said the structure has no concession stands. "We can't open up a performing arts center … and not be able to have people get a soft drink or a bag popcorn," he said.

    “He said the fire marshal's office requests for changes might necessitate more change orders and higher cost.”

    "To say that change order No. 8 is the last one, well, I may have been born at night, but it wasn't last night," Young said. "This was a problem from the get-go, and we are going to have to come back at some time and get some money from the state Legislature."

    Jefferson Performing Arts Center could get pricier still, parish president tells Louisiana committee
    Ed Anderson, The Times-Picayune
    Posted: 12/15/2011 9:45 PM


  14. Whitmergate: Just a quick note.

    Lettenemgo is NOT , imho, issuing indictments.

    The FACT that the Feds retained (past mandatory retirement age) the gentleman who has been spearheading the Jefferson Parish corruption probe is , imho, clear indication that they , the Feds , do not trust Lettenemgo to do the job.

    IMHO Lettenemgo better be looking in his rearview mirror for the flashing lights of the FBI.

    1. shark, I appreciate your optimism, but do you actually expect a superhero FBI Agent to expose a fellow incompetent government tick in the name of justice?

      They all have their role to play in superficial facades, independently & as a collective TUMOR.

      Federal law enforcement commits human rights violations as standard operating procedure. They are the asshole of the monkey on the taxpayer's BACK.
      They provide NO USEFUL SERVICE, nor any tangible product…and still we hope?
      ….I suppose it is the way we were taught?
      We "need" laws, regulations, prisons, licenses, insurance, GOVERNMENT, lest the human race become STUCK, like some clueless, brainless, dumbstruck animal.

      I DON'T BUY IT.

      We were also taught that Santa Claus comes at Christmas & don't even get me started about the LIES from organized religion.

      I mean, it would be GREAT?
      But it is impossible.
      Just sayin'.

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